Kol Mikaelson ~ Smart, Gorgeous, and Powerful

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You take place in Davina's body, and it's that scene where the hollow brings Davina back. But then Pennywise (Yes, the clown from IT) appears out of nowhere and you fight it. Leaving Kol super shocked.

Extra info: You're a witch, obvi, but you're also strong, stronger than Davina. And ofc, stronger than the hollow.


I woke up in a square, based on what I was wearing, I had woken up in the body of Davina Claire. Nice!

I suddenly felt a sharp thing cut my palm, it hurt like shit, so I screamed.


There was a pause "DAVINA!" I heard a voice say....Kol

"Davina!" I saw Kol come in, I was still looking at my cut

"Kol?" I asked, he couldn't come in, there was a barrier

"Some go to the ends of the earth to protect our love" said Inadu (The hollow) coming in

"You let her go now, or I'll rip you apart!" said Kol

"No, we're linked. If she dies, so do I" I said

"Exactly. So, if you want to keep her safe, then you belong to me" said Inadu

"That sounded extremely awkward" I said

"You better shut up" said Inadu

"You, better stop telling me what to do. I'm stronger than you think" I said, then cut the scene to the scene where we were in Davina's attic.


I was changing behind my little wall, then I heard footsteps, and there was a pause "Davina?"

It was Kol, he put down what he brought and looked around, I smirked just a little, and went into the view "I'm right here"

Kol sighed in relief, and went to me, pulling me in a hug "For a moment I thought" he gave me a quick peck on the cheek

"It's alright. I'm still me, flesh and blood" I said

"And linked to that monster" said Kol

"Yeah, Inadu really is a bich. I mean, she killed all her people, just for power" I said

"I promise I'm going to find a way out of this for you" said Kol

"She was powerful enough to bring me back. You have no clue what we're up against. I mean, she's 10 times, no more than that, powerful than Dahlia. Who was able to kill a lot of people with 1 single wave of her hand" I said

Kol smirked "Hasn't stopped me before, stay here. I'll be back" he said, moving a strap of air behind my ear

"What, you're leaving?" I asked, then there was a sound

"What was that?" asked Kol, looking around

"Probably just the floors cracking" I said

He nodded "Look, losing you broke me. I will not stand around and let it happen again"

"You won't have to stand for long" we heard a voice say

"Who's there?!" asked Kol, looking around again

"Introducing, Pennywise the dAaAaAaAancing clown!" said Pennywise, coming in and pinning me to the wall. Now I made it so that in this universe, I had already killed pennywise with the losers.

"I'm not afraid of you" I said, through his grip

"You will be" he said, I pushed him off

"In your dreams" I said

"How did you push me off?" asked Pennywise, standing up again

"You really don't even know yourself that well, do you? If you don't smell fear, you get weak. And you won't hurt me, or kill me. If you eat me, it's basically eating a meal with no taste, or maybe even just eating poison. I'm not afraid of you, not anymore" I said

"YOU WILL BE!" said Pennywise, and was about to come back at me when I pushed him off, and kept him on the ground

"I've killed you before, I can do it again" I said

"Davina, who is this?!" asked Kol

"Sorry, Kol. But I think it's time you know, I'm not actually Davina. It was someone else all along. And now, I need to kill this stupid clown, who killed my friends innocent brother" I said

"Ahh, Georgie, he tasted, ahh, so good" he said

"HE WAS A KID YOU PSYCHO!" I screamed "How about you choke on on his blood?" I asked, and used Davina's blood choke spell

"Davina, or whoever you are, how are you this powerful?" asked Kol, shocked as hell

"I'm stronger than Dahlia, stronger than the hollow, dang probably even stronger than Silas ever was. Hold up, let me just--" I started, then ripped Pennywise's head and heart out.

"How did you--" started Kol

"I've got a few tricks. That clown wasn't a clown, it was...an it, not a who. I don't even know what it is. It's like some shape shifting...witchy creature" I said

"Alright. And who are you? Where's Davina?" asked Kol

"Kol, Davina probably never knew you in this universe. It was always me. Well, my real name is Y/n. Y/n L/n. I travel through dimensions, so this whole universe we live in, I know what's gonna happen, because basically, I'm stuck in a series right now. And I can just make you understand and know things like..." I started, then snapped, sharing all the thoughts with Kol

He furrowed his brows, processing.

"I'll need proof. Tell me something about my past, and the future" he said, standing up and getting closer to me

"Well, first things first, they should have listened to you, and you should have just killed Lucien right there. Aurora's a jealous ass bich. Klaus dies saving his daughter, which yes, is super sad cause he's one of my favorite originals. And so is Elijah, who dies with him because...he's always been by his side. Well, you and Davina get married, and I've heard that you have a baby, but I'm not sure, still watching the Legacies" I said

"Ok, the past, you got right, and we'll see the future" said Kol, then looked deeply into my eyes "Is there a reason you choose to be in Davina's body?"

"I've always fancied you, Kol. I thought that this might be a good chance to be with you" I said

Kol smirked "It was" he said, and pulled me into a kiss. Then I released a lot of energy, unlinking me and Inadu, then killing it. Also fixing every other problem there is, and I could tell Kol felt the energy.

We pulled away "What was that? All that power I felt?" asked Kol

"I just unlinked me and Inadu, killed her, and made it so that every other problem is fixed" I said

"Smart, gorgeous, and powerful, huh?" asked Kol

"If that's what you wanna say" I said, and we hugged.

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