Kol Mikaelson ~ Original (SITVD)

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Whenever I put "SITVD" in the title of a chapter, the reader will be "Stuck in TVD"

Imagine you meeting Kol and sort of re-doing a scene from The Greatest Showman


I spawned in as a vampire, and started to speed all over the place, looking for the originals. I found Kol, just trying to feed off of a girl

"Come on, darling. Don't be like that" he said, getting a grip on the girl, I sped and got the girl away from Kol, then compelled her saying "You will not remember any of this, and will just go home", she did as she said, not being seen by Kol, so I went back to speeding.

"Whose there?" I heard Kol ask, I've always liked Kol, he's cute and funny. And pretty childish.

I kept on speeding

"If you're here to kill me, just know, you can't!" he said

"Over here!" I screamed, from the roof, then jumping, I sped a few more times. Then he sped in front of me, stopping me from speeding anymore.

"Hi" I smiled innocently

He smirked "What are you after?" I think he tried to compel me

"That won't work on me, boo" I said

"Why? Are you on vervain?" he asked

"No. I'm something different" I said, he got closer to me "What do you want from me?"

My eyes trailed from his eyes to his lips, I couldn't help it, 1. they were looking cute, and 2. Well, we were so close, I needed to have the space for my eyes.

"Oh, I get it. You want me" he smirked

"You're standing so close to me, I needed to look somewhere else" I said

"Is that so?" he asked, getting even closer to me

"Why don't you find out?" I asked, speeding over to a show place where there is that round thing from the "Rewrite the stars" music video (The Greatest Showman).

I set up the rope, as Zendaya does in the beginning o the video, and held onto it, as Kol made his way towards me.

"So, what are we doing here? And what am I to find out?" he asked

"Why are you smirking like you wanna kill someone, or you wanna fuck someone?" I asked

"I always wear this smirk. It's my part that makes me super handsome, well, except, you know, me" he said

"Cocky much?" I asked

"Very much. But can you blame me?" he asked

"No, I see what you see in yourself" I said, he smirked even more

"🎵 You know I want you 🎵 " the song started to play

"B/n I SWEAR!" I screamed, earning a laugh, but the song stopped

"Yeah, I do know you want me" he said

"But the song also says, I know you want me. Is that a lie, now?" I asked

"Why don't you find out?" he asked mocking me

"Ooo, smooth" I said, getting closer to him

"I get the feeling that you'd want my lips connected with yours" he said, bending down

I smirked and leaned in, just as our lips were about to connect, "Not so fast" I said, letting the rope make me fly.

I then started to float back down, with that round thing around me

"Damn" I heard Kol say, under his breath

My feet met the floor, and I "accidentally" made my coat drop, revealing my spaghetti striped tank top, and shorts, Kol looked me up and down, and smirked.

"My eyes are up here, Kol" I said

"How do you know my name? I never told you" he said

"I fancy someone with the name of Kol. You look like him" I said

"Well, I might as well be him" he said, getting an arm around my waist

"You are stunning, I've got to admit. I'd like to try something" he said

"Hmm, something like this?" I asked, putting my hands on his chest, he smirked, then I held onto him and made us fly. Then sitting on the center of the circle.

"Whoa" he said

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I asked

"Indeed. But certainly not as much as you" he said, cupping my cheek. I leaned my head on his hand, and I could see him blushing.

He then slowly leaned in, his lips brushing against mine. Of course, I kissed back. I slowly made us go back down to the floor, he wrapped his arms around my waist, and mine found a way to his shoulders, making my hands go in his hair.

After a while, I pulled away "Thanks for tonight. I had a good time" I was about to leave, when he grabbed my wrist and stopped me "Wait!"

I turned around "Will I see you again?" he asked, as I smirked

"I'm pretty sure you will" I said

"Good. Maybe after a few meet ups, your new last name could be Mikaelson" he said

"Planning a marriage with a girl you met only today, huh? You better watch you, wouldn't want your heart getting broken. Not that it will" I said, placing a small kiss on his cheek, but he turned his head, so my lips met his instead.

"Until we meet again" I said, as I sped away

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