Kol Mikaelson ~ Stop Fighting It (Smut)

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Imagine Y/n liking Kol, and Kol liking Y/n, but Y/n won't give in because she thinks that Kol will just use her/break her heart (Also, if I haven't said this b4. Y/n is gonna be a girl, but u can pretend that she's a boy or not a gender at all if you want)

Y/n will be a vampire in this.


I was chilling on the couch of the Mikaelson mansion, every single original was alive at the moment, though Finn sorta got on my nerves.

"Ah, there you are" I heard someone say, I looked to see Klaus and Kol

"What is it?" I asked

"Nothing, love. We were just looking for you" said Klaus, sitting down next to me, Kol sat on the other side, and threw an arm around me.

He likes to tease me like that. I mean, he does it to every girl who comes over, so I don't really mind anymore. I decided to play hard to get, and get his arm off of me, as he fake pouted.

"So...I was thinking of going to the grill. Anyone want to join me?" asked Klaus

"Sure, that soun--" I started, but got cut off by Kol saying "I think we'll stay here" I rolled my eyes, and laid back down on the couch

"As you wish" Klaus smirked

"Is there something going on here?" I asked

"Nope, nothing" he said, SUS

"Ok" I said, shaking it off. Klaus smiled, and sped out. Just as he did that, Kol got me onto his lap, as he laid down on the couch. I frowned, and sped to go on my stomach, so I was looking at him "What are you doing?"

"You know you like it, love" he said, he's right. I did like it, but I shouldn't.....

"I can assure you, that you're wrong" I said, as I sped and was about to get out of the house, when Kol got up, and pinned me to the wall "Nik said you fancied me"

"Nik was wrong" I said, mocking his accent, as I walked away, making him smirk

"I can hear your heartbeat, you know" he said, making me pause, then coming up to me, and bending down to whisper something in my ear "It's getting faster. The first sign of liking someone"

"Maybe it's getting faster cause I'm scared. Or nervous, or just feel awkward" I said

"That's not how you react in awkwardness. And you know I'd never hurt you, why would you be scared?" he asked

"I guess you're right" I said

"So you admit?" he asked

"Admit what?"

"That you fancy me"

"Never said that"

"Come on, you know it's true"

"Wipe that smirk off your face. Nik is trying to get me embarrassed. Now, if you'll excuse me" I said, and was about to walk outside by the backyard and the pool, when Kol said "I fancy you too"

I paused "What?"

"You head me" he said, smirking and coming by me again, we were super close, and I admit that I blushed a little.

I smirked and sped to a wall "Well, you just confessed to the wrong person. Nik is wrong, Kol"

"Then explain the blush upon your cheeks" he said, seeing over to me, and making it so that I can't escape

"I have the perfect explanation. Makeup" I said

"You usually wear that much blush"

"Then I guess it's because of smiling too much"

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