Kol Mikaelson ~ SITVD! Reader ⚠️

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This is gonna be another stuck in TVD reader, so uh.....yeah.


I came in the Mikaelson ball this time, I was in there as a tribrid. I came in with this gorgeous dress, that a few people drooled a little. Elijah started his speech, and I made myself good friends with Bex here. Yes, I can program the system, but other than that, everyone does have real brain cell molecules, and I really am in TVD.

Soon after, people gathered their partners, and went to do the waltz in the ball room.

"Y/n! I'm glad you could make it! Matt's pretty much ignoring me, so uhh....do you wanna dance?" asked Bex

"Sure! Do you mind if I make out with your brother afterwards?" I asked

"What?" asked Bex

"Kidding, not really" I said

"Haha, ok. Even if you weren't, I couldn't care less" she said, and we entered the ball room, and started to dance.

"Which brother were you referring to?" she asked

"The crazy and cute one, I've kinda liked him for a while" I said

"Again, which one?" she asked

I laughed "I'm gonna choose not to tell you for just now"

She shrugged "Ok"

We spun, and I landed into the arms of Klaus

"Hi" I said

"Hello, love. I see you're into my sister" he said

"Oh, no, no, no. I like someone else, but uhh, we're good friends. So I thought that it would be cool to dance with her" I said

"I see. Now, who is this person you fancy?" he asked

"One of your brothers. Don't tell him" I said

"I won't. I don't even know who you're referring to" he said

"That's good" I said, then the dance was over.

After a while, I saw Bex talking with Kol, the one I like.

"Where's your date?" I heard Kol say

"He isn't exactly acting like my date" said Bex

"I meant the girl" he said, in an annoyed tone

"I don't know. I don't really care either" said Bex, trying to look believable "I only danced with her since she was pretty. I was sorta planning on killing her tonight anyways. Pretty sure she's friends with Elena, if she dies, she suffer's. I was hoping you'd help your baby sister out"

Bex, keep on trying, babe. You know you love me 😏

"And spit right in the face of mother's rules?" asked Kol

Plot twist comingggggg

"I'm in" he said

Then Bex found me and we went out

"Hey, girl" I said

"Hey, having fun?" she asked

"Yeah. A bit nervous, though. Killer vampires here, they might as well just rip out my throat" I said

"Yeah, you should watch out" she said

"It's pretty cold out" I said, took off my coat, and put it on her, since that's what Matt did

"Oh, I'm a vampire, I don't-- ok" she said, taking my hint

I smiled and we went back inside.

I then heard her talking to Kol again, he couldn't wait to kill me. Silly little child.

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