Kol Mikaelson ~ Shower Sex ⚠️

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Imagine you taking a shower, and Kol decides to surprise you by joining in.


I was pretty tired from today, so the first thing I did when I got home, was jump into the shower. The hot water felt so good, I nearly moaned.

Wait- Did I lock the door?

Ah, whatever. Who's gonna come?

I was starting to wet my hair, by going into the water, when I heard some noises. Ehh, probably just the floors cracking because of the humid air.

That was what I thought until I heard some water splashing behind me, I carefully turned my head to see Kol smirking at me from the corner of my eye. I widened my eyes, and turned back, blushing.

"I can hear your heart beating" said Kol

"That's because you freaking scared me" I said, then let my arms fall. "K-Kol...Please tell me you're not naked"

"I would say that. But that would be lying" he said, getting closer to me, so I could feel his chest on my back

"Why would you even join in the first place?" I asked

"I've always fancied you, and you know that" said Kol, getting his arms around my waist, and placing his cheek against mine, as his chin rested on my shoulder.

"I wonder how many girls you've said that to, to get your way" I said

"I only meant it when I told you" said Kol

"Sureeee" I said

"I'm serious. And you know you fancy me as well" said Kol, well....he wasn't wrong

"Kol, please--" I started, but got cut off as he placed his lips on my neck, burying his head there.

"Kol...just--" I started, but he cut me off "I kinda wanna hear you say that name louder"

"Such a perv" I said, he smirked against me

"I wouldn't wanna ruin your fun, but I'm a virgin" I said

"I don't believe that" said Kol, one of his hands going down to my inner thigh, I got goosebumps as he did that.

"You're so touchy. I would turn around and stop you, but I don't really want you to see me" I said

"And why's that?" asked Kol

"Because I don't like yo--" I started

"Nope, we both know that's a lie" said Kol

"Well, because I don't wanna have se--" I started

"I've been getting inside your head every night, who do you think makes all those dirty dreams?" asked Kol

My eyes widened "You what?!"

He chuckled "Come on, love. Just give it a try"

"Kol, this is not how I plan on losing my virginity" I said

"You're a vampire. You'll heal fast" said Kol

"I thought you didn't believe I was a virgin" I said

"I don't..." said Kol

"Well, I am. And we are not fucking in this bloody shower" I said

"Your goosebumps say otherwise" he said, as he moved his hand further up from my thigh

"Kol...please" I started

"Please what? I should be the one saying please. Y/n, I know how to do this. I can give you the feel you've been waiting for, for a while now" he whispered in my ear

"Who said I wanted it to be you who did it?" I asked

"Your heartbeat, and goosebumps" said Kol

I was silent

"Y/n, come on. Just give it 1 try. I'll stop if you want me to" he said

I thought about it.

"A part of me wants to say yes. But the other part wants to tease you and say no" I said

"You should listen to the first" said Kol

"Fine... but don't tell anyone we're doing this. Cuz I'm not even 100% sure if this is right or not" I said

"It is. And I'm gonna prove it" said Kol, getting his hand into my clit, and drawing little circles on my spot. I whispered some moans, feeling just a little pain because I wasn't that used to this.

"I knew you'd like this" he said, as he slowly turned me towards him, and I looked into his eyes.

He smirked, and smashed his lips onto mine, pinning us against the wall of the shower. I put my arms around his neck, as he got my legs around his waist.

"Jump" he told me, I did as he said. And my legs ended up around his neck, as he started to lick me. I moaned, as he slowly set me down, and went on his legs to continue licking me.

"Ok, that's enough!" I said, after a while, and sped to pin him to the wall, and slowly started to lick his dick. He groaned and slowly pushed me further into him, making sure I don't choke.

When I got used to the feel, I let him get himself fully into me, but then he groaned, and got himself out of me, and pinned me to the wall, getting my legs around his waist. Then, without a warning, he pushed himself into me. But it didn't hurt, it only felt good.

"How did this--" I started

"Not hurt? I ripped your vagina while I was rubbing on your clit. My fingers know a few tricks, you felt a little pain because of that" he said

I paused, "You did WHAT?!" I asked

"Too much? I thought you'd be more comfortable..." he said

"I am, but the thought of you doing that is just... cringe?" I said

"Sorry, darling..." he said

"It's alright... Let's just get this over with" I said, he moved in and out of me for about 2 minutes. After a while, we couldn't hold it back anymore, and released into/onto each other. He got himself out of me.

"Holy crap" I said

"That was bloody awesome" said Kol

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