Kol Mikaelson ~ You Never Wanted Me... Did You?

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Imagine Kol getting jealous because he saw you with another boy, even thought you're basically siblings-


Quick note. My iMaGiNaRy boy bestie, Jack, will be on this....so uh, yeah.

Y/n POV:

Kol and I had dated for a month, and he owned basically all my heart now. I fell for him.

Jack, my best friend, I mean, I've known him since I was a child, was coming over today. I'd asked Kol, he was fine with it.

"So...who exactly is this Jack person?" asked Kol, I was sitting on his lap, just scrolling through instagram.

"Well, we were friends since we were kids, and he's basically my brother...so uh, yeah" I said

Then the doorbell rang "That must be him!" I said as I rushed to the door

I opened the door to see Jack "Y/n/n!"

"Jack!" I said, as I hugged him, he lifted me up and spun me around as we hugged

"How long has it been?" asked Jack

"Dude, I see you every day" I said

"Psshhht, no you don't!" said Jack

"Whatever, so uh, this is my boyfriend, Kol" I said, going to Kol, who got his arm around my waist

"Ugh, you won't shut up about him" said Jack

"Oh, shut the fuck up before I shove a foot up your ass" I said, as he laughed

"Oh, I got you something" he said, handing me a box

"What the hell is--OH SHIT!" I screamed as I opened the box to see a keychain that said "Deez Nuts" on it

"Ahh come on, you know you want some" said Jack

"...PENNYWISE CAN YOU COME?!" I screamed, making Jack scream like a girl. I died of laughter

"Who screams like that?! You sound like freaking Lucas Sinclair, who screams like a girl" I said

Kol was also dying of laughter.

"Oh you fucking bich, I'm telling Klaus you like him" said Jack

"Wha- that's u!" I said

"OH SHIT RIGHT! Wait, no it's not, it's AHH MA BALLS!" said Jack, as he revealed 2 plastic balls on his hand, now getting stabbed and broken

"What the hell?" I asked

"I don't even know--" he started

"Ok, enough with the chit chat. Now, what do you wanna do?" asked Kol, looking at both of us

"Kinda wanna suck balls, not gonna lie" said Jack

I looked at him in a WTF way.

"Oh, come on, you want to do the same" said Jack

"I'm looking at you because what you said was gay as fuck. Not that I'm against it, but like it sounded cringe as hell" I said

"You're only saying that because I say it in a clingy tone" said Jack

"True" I said

Then we all took a seat on Kol and I's bed.

"Truth or dare?" I asked Jack

"Dare" said Jack

"Scream as loud as you can" I said, Jack screamed loud, but ended up coughing

"Shit, I choked on my spit because of air" said Jack, I was laughing my ass off

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