Kol Mikaelson X Witch! Reader ~ Cheater

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I was on my way to my boyfriends house, he's like the best boyfriend, and he's one of the originals.

When I finally got there, I knocked on the door, the door was opened by Bex, we have been getting along for the past 3 months, I mean, that's when I started dating Kol.

"Kol! That bich is here!" screamed Bex, uhh wut?

She then looked at me "What the bloody hell do you want now?"

"Why do you seem so mad at me?" I asked

"Why do you think, you imbecile! Kol deserves better! Just when I thought we would be good friends" she said

"Confusion?" I whispered, under my breathe, then Kol came in the view, he looked angry

"What do you want?" he asked

"Kol, what's going on?" I asked

"What do you mean, what's going on? You cheated on me! And you expect me to act nice?" he asked, cheating?

"What? What are you talking about? Cheated with who?" I asked

He sighed, and showed me a post that Connor, one of the popular guys at school, posted on insta.

It was a picture of me, and the description said:

"Hey, guys, uhh....I'm not sure what happened, but something inside Y/n just clicked! She came to me with a big smile on her face, and kissed me. And damn, she kissed good. We then got inside my room, and had it. She felt so good, wait, did she have a boyfriend? Like that Cam....Ken...oh, Kol? Uhh, I guess you better check on your gf bro, who knows if she comes onto me again, not that I wouldn't like it 😉😏"



While reading the text, I felt like laughing

"That Connor idiot actually wrote that, huh?" I asked

"Yeah, he did. And we're over. Go find someone else to go all slutty on" he said all angrily

"Kol, you actually believe this dumbass? You actually think I'd cheat on you?" I asked

"That's what everyone says" he said

"You shouldn't actually believe him, I mean is there proof?" I asked

"Yes, he posted this video over the cameras for evidence" he showed me the video

It was that girl named Miranda, she mostly goes by "Randa", though. They were making out in his room, and she had her hair down, and in a style just like mine. We looked alike sometimes, I mean, with a little makeup, I could pretend to be her. But that wasn't me! It was her wearing that makeup!

"Kol, that's...that's not me--" I started

"Yeah? Well, it sure as hell looks like you" he said

"Are those...my clothes? She asked to borrow some clothes because there was a coffee stain on hers on Thursday" I said

"Stop trying to find excuses! That's you, I can literally tell! I can't believe you'd do this to me!" he screamed

"I didn't! I can't believe you'd believe I did! I mean that Connor rat can rot in hell for all I care!" I said

He paused for a moment, then laughed humorlessly "Stop trying to win me back and use me all over again. It's not gonna work" he said

"Look, I wish that there was a way that you could compel me, and figure out the truth, but I'm a witch" I said

"Well, it doesn't matter, we're done" he said

"Kol.." I started

"Get out" he said

"Kol, please--" I started

"GET OUT!" he screamed, tears were streaming down my face now, and I ran away, crying.

How could this happen?! That Connor bich is gonna pay!


I went to a bench on the street, and sat there, crying.

"What's wrong, babe?" I heard a voice say, they sat next to me, and put an arm around me, I looked up to see, Connor

"Why... why would you do that?!" I screamed

"Do what? You were the one who came on to me!" he said


"Aww, babe, just shut up and kiss me" he said, smashing his lips onto mine

I pushed him off, but he chuckled "Don't fight it, you know you want it" he said, getting his lips back on mine, pushed him off again "STOP IT! We both know those rumors and photos are made up"

"Yeah, we do. I lied, I admit, but no one's gonna believe you. I also admit that I made Randa spill he coffee on her, and borrow your clothes, then made her put make up to act like you. But who cares? You're mine now, just the girl I want" he said

"No, I'm not!" I said

"Come on, babe. Just give me a chance" he said

How about I just kill you? Yeah, I think ima do that, you don't deserve to live a happy life if you're just gonna ruin relationships. Like, bruh, you literally use girls, then try and end other relationships! You dick, psychopath, maniac, and...and......UGH!

I smiled a lovely smile "Well, I do really want you to be somewhere right now" I got closer to him, touching his arm....ew, ew, ewwwww!

"There you go, and where's that?" he asked

I got out a knife I got from home, I always get one in case of an emergency "Hell" I said, slitting his throat, and watching with no mercy as he fell on the floor.

"You ruined my relationship with the 1 person I loved. Don't even think about getting with me, or anyone else after that. Have fun with Satan. Karma's a bich, Connor" I said, my voice still cracking because of my breakup with Kol.

I turned around to see Kol, he was just standing there speechless. The weather was now rainy, since I was sad, and angry, it must have been affecting the weather. Tears streamed down my cheek just by the sight of him, I ran the other direction, but within seconds he was in front of me, I pushed him back with magic but not that far.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed, and ran the other direction, but he got in front of me again.

"What do you want?" I asked

"You really killed him, huh?" he asked

"Yes, now leave, so I can enjoy the rest of my now depressed life" I said, and, again, ran the opposite direction, but he got in front of me, cupped my face, and kissed me.

My heart beated with joy at that movement. He seemed to hear my heart beat, and put his arms around my waist, as I wrapped mine around his neck.

When we pulled away, we rested our foreheads

"I should have believed you... I'm sorry" he said, wiping some of my tears away.

"Apology accepted" I said, as we kissed again.

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