Kol Mikaelson ~ I Like Pretty Little Things With Sharp Tongues

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My life was fucked up, at the moment. So, as always, I decided to enter the TVD world, in a scene where my crush comes in, and started to play pool.

You know, that scene where Meredith comes in? Well, I made her go away by, uh.....my ways, and played pool instead.

"A woman of your caliban should choose more suitable company" I heard a voice say....probably Kol.

Now, there's something you should know about me, when I'm in a bad mood, I can't stop myself, I just act mean to everyone.

Well, a lotta my friends were fake, they just used me and I was dumb enough to believe them, so now, I'm in a bad mood.

I was talking to myself when Kol came, saying "Yes, your life is fucked up, and yes, you do want to be a vampire and shut up that damn humanity and get revenge on all those fucked up people who used you, but, ya know, chill out, because if you don't, this place will be a bloodbath, and you'll attract vampires, possibly originals and get yourself killed"

Kol came closer to me, leaning down and asking "What's your name, love?" into my ear

"None of your business" I blurted out....oh well, he's not easy to get rid of.

"Let's try that again. I'll start, I'm Kol" said Kol

"How about you get lost, Kol?" I asked, what? Just following some scripts.

"Why would I do that? I like pretty little things with sharp tongues" he said, as I was going away to grab a better stick, when I stopped, and turned around, I met with him, and we were pretty close. He was about to caress my cheek, when I slapped his arm away "Well, I'm not pretty, nor am I little. So just leave me alone"

He was smirking when I turned around, he frowned a little......ohhh God

"I'm pretty sure she told you to get lost" said Alaric, appearing.

"Pretty sure I don't care" he said, still smirking at me, damn he was cute, gotta admit that....but then again, I couldn't smile, nor blush, my life was too fucked up.

I looked at Alaric in a "It's fine. I kinda like this" way, and he turned to Kol again "Whatever, just don't hurt her"

"Wasn't planning on it" he said, as I went back to playing pool

"Don't you just wish you could dissapear sometimes? Ugh, girl, who are you talking to? I feel like I'm talking to the spirits of the dead, sheesh some vamp might hear me and think I'm crazy *Mouths words* looking at you, literally every vampire in TVD and TO" I said

"Who are you talking to, love?" asked Kol

"Myself" I replied

"Why's that?"

"My life is too fucked up. Which is why I wish I'd just play pool in piece, oh wait, can't even have that, someone's gotta annoy me" I said

"The more I stay, the sharper your tongue gets. I like it" said Kol

I sighed "Ayo, Alexa, play Arcade, or something similar" I screamed

"Arcade is only available with premium, would you like to sign up?" I heard her say

"Hell nahh" I said, and Alexa stopped talking

"Now my life is fucked up, and I don't get to listen to music that describe it, great" I said

"Anything I can do to help?" asked Kol

"No, and anyways, don't you have others to slaughter? Kinda wish I could do that right now, these biches make me want to kill someone" I said

"How do you know I slaughter people?"

"I know a lot of things, Kol. Besides, it's all over your...attitude" I said

"The saying is "it's all over your face"" said Kol

"Yeah, well, I'm blind. How can I see your face now?" I asked, joking around

"If you're blind, how were you able to play pool?" asked Kol

"Blind people can do stuff, I guess I just have good aim" I said

"I know how to make your day better" he said

"How's that?" I asked, starting to really play blind person

"Kiss me" I could feel him smirking

"What?" I asked

"Kiss me" he repeated

"Did you really just--" I started

"Yes" he said, I could now feel him close to me, I stood up, and turned around, not making eye contact, and playing blind again. I just want to see his reaction.

"Why on earth would you want some girl you literally just met to kiss you?" I asked, about to move forward, "acting" like I wasn't using him in front of me, then out chests touched, and he wrapped his arm around my waist

"Oh, great. You were standing in front of me" I said

"You really are blind" he said, caressing my cheek, I slowly brought my eyes up to his

"Is that your eyes I'm looking at, or your lips? I can't tell" I said

He smirked "Lips" eheheheheh lil liar

I looked around a little bit, then looked back into his eyes "How about now?"

"Lips...ok wait, now you're looking at my eyes" he said, I nodded "Good to know"

He started to lean in, and bring me closer to his chest, we were so close I could feel his breath on my face

"Who the bloody hell says you're not pretty?" he asked, as his lips touched mine, I slowly pulled back

"I, uh...I'm a bad kisser" I said

"I'll be the judge of that" he said, as his hand held my cheek, and he started to kiss me, passionately.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and mixed them into his hair, he then got me on the pool table, and lifted my dress a little, I pulled away.

"I thought we were just going to kiss, nothing more" I said

"Well, you're good at it, so why not take it to the next level?" he asked

"Because, I'm a virgin" I said

He paused "...What?"

"I mean exactly what I said" I said

"So no one's ever touched you?" asked Kol

"They have, I just didn't let them continue" I said

"I'm different, you say you know a lot about me, how do you not know I'm not like everyone else?"

"I do know that. That's part of the reason why I fancy you"

"You what?" I felt him smirk

"You heard me"

"Then why won't you let us continue?"

"Because I'm a bloody virgin, jeez, Kol, I just told you"

"I can change that"

"You shouldn't. I'm not losing my virginity to a guy who barely knows me, and definitely won't like my body"

"I enjoy your body just fine with clothes on, why not take them off?"

"Reasons" I said, as he kissed my neck

I then pushed him off, and pinned him on the wall "Funny fact, I was never blind" I said

He spun us around "Neither was I" and continued kissing me

"No, no, no. Look, I know you're just gonna use me, then drain me or something. I don't want that"

"I would never hurt you" he said, as he cupped my face, and closed his eyes, I saw a vision of all my memories

"And now, I know everything I need to know about you, enough to want to continue doing this" he said, as he sped us to the attic, and I made a bed, yes, I can do that, it's a part of the program I'm using to be in this series.

Then we did sussy stuff......yeah.

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