However the reason some became clear once the movie started and the first jump scare happened. Serena instantly jumped and pulled him to a tight hug while burying her head in his chest.

That pattern continued on throughout the film as Serena used Ash as her personal pillow. It's not like Ash minded though. Being close to Serena was comforting and he could never complain about hugging the most beautiful girl in the world.

Shaking himself out of his thoughts he turns to Pikachu and asks "Excited for tonight buddy." Pikachu excitedly climbs on to Ash's shoulder and exclaims "Pika, Pika!" Torracat is sleeping soundly while Toucannon is perched on the edge of the sofa looking bored of waiting.

Ash turns to his two Pokémon and reassures "Don't worry, I'm sure it won't be long now."

A few moments later, Ash hears a door creak up and a pattering of fret from up stairs. He smiles and whispers "Here we go." A few seconds later Serena enters the room with: Braxien and Brionne by her side.

Ash gaps as he gazes at his beautiful girlfriend's outfit. Serena is wearing a baby blue strapless prom dress similar to her dress at Pierre's dance party except baby blue. The colour of it perfectly matches her eyes making them glisten even more. She compliments this with a blue flower in her hair and blue heels. She finishes the look by tying her signature ribbon on her wrist.

Ash smiles and compliments in a loving tone "Serena, wow you look so beautiful."

Serena smiles and blushes at Ash's compliment. She then takes a closer look at Ash's choice of outfit and loves what she sees. While she loves Ash's casual look it's definitely refreshing to see him dressed up for a change. She really likes how nice the suit fits his physique making him look muscular but not too bulky. The raven hair is combed neatly but still keeps its free flowing edge. Finally she loves how their both wearing blue. It may be a little thing but it means they both match and that is kind of couple goals.

Serena shakes of her thoughts as she smiles and replies "Thank you Ash, your looking as handsome as ever."

Ash smiles at the comment and remarks "Thanks Serena, but you. Wow, how did I get so lucky."

Serena giggles and resposnds "I was thinking the same thing about you."

The two smile at each other lovingly with a glint in their eyes. Slowly they both lean forward ans allow their lips to drift towards each other. The two meet and engage in their own unique dance. The kiss is sweet and contains pure love. After a few seconds the two break with smiles and red blushes on their faces.

Ash scratches his cheek and asks "Is there going to be anymore of that tonight."

Serena giggles at her boyfriends playfulness and replies "Maybe but only if we win the competition."

Ash grins and exclaims "Then we are definitely going to win."

The two smile at each other until their thoughts are interrupted by another arrival into the room. Sylveon walks in while holding the baby Pikachu's hand. Ash's Pikachu gasps and steers at the two in awe. At awe first of how cute the baby Pokémon looks but next at Sylveon's outfit. She is wearing a gold dress with black accents that roughly matches Pikachu's colour scheme.

Ash notices his first Pokémon's reaction and asks "So what do you think buddy?" Pikachu snaps out of his trance and let's off an exited "Pika, Pika!"

Serena smiles and turns to her two Pokémon and whispers "See I told you he'd like it." Serena's Pikachu let's off an equally excited "Pika, Pika!" Sylveon meanwhile, turns her head away and blushes madly.

Ash smiles and holds his hand out. "Shall we get going beautiful, we don't want to be late."

Serena blushes lightly and takes Ash's hand. She nods and replies "Yeah, let's go and win this prom king and queen."

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