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Korra's POV

My eyes snap open wide, sweat trickling down my face like a waterfall.

The first thing I notice is that I am no longer at Laghima's Peak. Now, I am surrounded by nothing but rock and crystalline gems. They would be beautiful if not for my dire situation.

The second thing I notice are the chains.

Chains wrapped around my wrists and ankles stretching them apart to the point I become a human starfish, they shackle me high above from the ground. I am completely, hopelessly trapped.

Then, finally, I notice Zaheer, Ghazan, and the water-arm lady along with two Red Lotus members. They stand on the rocky planes before me with stone-cold expressions.

Images of our battle flash across my mind, including the final moments of Dad.


"Say hello to the Earth Queen for me!"


"You." I growl at Zaheer with all the hate from within. "You killed my father!"

The rage overwhelming me, I breathe out flames so hot it could burn the entire cave to the ground!

But it is in vain. It barely reaches him.

Zaheer doesn't even flinch in my anger. No emotion at all.

"I understand your grief." He tells me, sounding truly genuine. "I also lost someone I loved today. But your pain will soon be over."


He then turns to the two members at the back. "Bring the poison."


They walk forward in silence, holding some sort of bowl with a silver liquid inside. Then, one begins to bend the liquid into the air...

I have never known a poison like that before...

What will it do?

No. Worrying about it won't do anything about it. I need to escape! They will pay!

"When I get out of here, none of you will survive!" I snarl, my rage returning.

Despite my threat, Zaheer still shows no traces of fear. "You won't get out, unless the Metal Clan has taught you a way to bend platinum. Once we administer this poison, your body will naturally react, forcing you into the Avatar State in an effort to keep you alive. Sadly for you, you'll be entering it for the last time."

My heart comes to a stop when I realise what he meant.




"No!" I let out, desperation quickly replacing my anger. "The Avatar Cycle!"

"Yes." He coldly responds, his trace containing no hint of sympathy. "When we dispatch you in the Avatar State, the cycle will end. So, we lucky few, this band of brothers and sisters in anarchy, are witnessing the beginning of an era of true freedom. Together, we will forge a world without kings and queens, without borders or nations, where Man's only allegiance is to himself and those he loves. We will return to the true balance of natural order. And though you will never again be reborn, your name will echo throughout history: Korra, the last Avatar."

This...This is madness!


I shake frantically, desperate to snap the chains with all my strength and break my way to freedom, but it is a futile gesture.

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