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By the time I regained consciousness, we were already on the road.

Tied up with Mako and Bolin, the only thing I can see straight ahead is the bland, metal wall of the moving van driven by Zaheer. Glancing to the right, I can see him and the combustion bender on the front seats. As for the other two, they are at the back with us, watching our every move.

Mako, the police officer that he is, shows no fear to them.

"If you think holding us hostage will give you some leverage against the Avatar, you're gonna be very disappointed." He bravely tells them.

The crazy water-arm lady doesn't care. "Can't we just enjoy our time together in silence?"

The detective doesn't waver. "And why did you need Korra alive back in Zaofu? You had her paralyzed. Why didn't you just take her out when you had the chance?"

The mention of Korra makes me tense.

Korra and Asami are probably at Ba Sing Se by now to face the wrath of the Earth Queen and we're sitting ducks. The thought makes me sick.

And those questions Mako brought up have been on my mind for the past few hours now. None of it makes sense. Their goal can't be what it was thirteen years ago which was to brainwash Korra to do their bidding. She's grown up with her own beliefs. So, what then? What can they possibly want from her?

"Look, all you need to know is that the world is about to change, for the better." Ghazan declares with complete pride and confidence.

He sounds so sure that this is the best option for the world. That this will benefit everyone. Their delusion fuels the anger within me and for the first time since I woke up, I speak up.

"Keep telling yourself that when there's anarchy in the streets." I growl out. I turn my head to the general direction of Zaheer. "Tell yourself that when people suffer and die from the chaos that your leader desires!"

In the wind-view mirror of the van, I see Zaheer frown slightly and for a brief moment shift his gaze toward me in the mirror, expression unreadable, only to shift back to the road ahead.

"Quiet!" He tells me with annoyance. "You have no idea what you are talking about. Once we bring true freedom to the world, there will be balance."

"You're insane." Mako tells him. "All of you!"

"Whatever." The waterbender says, dismissing our comments. "It doesn't matter what you think of us. What matters is that you three stays out of our way."

As if we have a choice now to stop them.

"Ghazan, gag them up." Zaheer orders with a sense of urgency. "We're almost there."

Ah, great. Ba Sing Se.

The last time we were here I called the Earth Queen a bitch. She probably would be the most angry at me the most.

Suddenly, a new thought strikes me.

What if Zaheer tells her I'm an airbender? Is she's going to send me to that airbending prison underneath her temple?

Oh no.

As Ghazan gags us, the anxiousness in my belly swirls.

Here we go.


The doors of the throne room swung wide open and in a flash the tied up amalgamation of Mako, Bolin, and I, gagged to silence, are thrown with an inhumane strength right in front of the Earth Queen and Gun, the former with an arrogant grin on her horrible face.

The Myth of Y/N (Korra X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя