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A small radio lies still on the small table before me. Despite its size, I feel like a prey to a giant. Fists clenching tight, sweat on my skin, and teeth gritting, I stare at the communications device that will soon change my life forever.

"Y/N! What happened to you?! Are you okay?! How did you get out?!

"Zaheer. We need to get to Korra immediately!"

I don't know how long it has been since we escaped Ba Sing Se. Despite the beauty and the utopian atmosphere that surrounded the metal city of Zaofu, I still can't shake the sights I saw from my mind. Those awful, awful sights.

Getting out of their cell, Mako and Bolin rush to me with concerned faces. The other prisoners run out of their own, screaming cheers and joyous profanities at the dream come true that their tormentor that was their highness was dead and that they are free.

Free. No-one is free now.

"Are you sure you're all right?" Mako asks me, fear etched in his face. "You look like you can barely stand."

No. I'm not all right. If anything, I feel like a corpse that is forced to walk via invisible strings like I am some twisted puppet. But that doesn't matter. Not right now. The Air Nation is more important.

"I said I'm fine!" I snarl, turning away from them both. "We need to get out of here! I'll tell you all along the way what the message is."

While the others are too focused on the other radio they are using in desperate hope to get into contact with the Northern Air Temple, I'm all alone using a spare.

Good. I don't want anyone to see this.

When we finally rush out the main gates of the palace, I am greeted with the stuff that my own mind could not imagine.

In such a short amount of time, chaos erupted.

Screams, shouts, shrieks, yells surround us all along with the blazing heat of flames that consume the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se like a hungry mauling animal. So many flames. So many screams. So, so many.

"I can't believe it!" Mako exclaims in shock. "The Upper Ring is in chaos!"

"Should we do something?" Bolin asks aloud, shocked and devastated as we all are.

"This isn't our battle. We have to deliver Zaheer's message to Korra immediately."

The two brothers start walking away from the palace, focusing on the task at hand, to find an airship to esacpe. But I stay still. Frozen like a platinum statue that not even the famous Toph Beifong can't move.

So many flames. So many screams.


I don't hear it. How can I? How can I hear my name when all I can hear are the screams and yells that overwhelm the beacon of the Earth Kingdom?


So many flames. So many screams. So many.

This is all my fault...

If I was strong enough, If I had enough power, I could have prevented all of this.

How many will suffer because of my failure?


Rough hands on my sides shaking me partially snaps me out of my thoughts.

Mako is staring at me, teeth gritted, with golden eyes staring into my own E/C.

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