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It has been a day since Korra and I forgave each other from that "incident". It turns out whilst we were avoiding each other for a few hours, my best friend joined the Fire Ferrets and even played a match, and won! Imagine being able to say to someone that you are the Avatar AND a pro-bending player. Biggest flex of the century right there. Speaking of the Fire Ferrets, Korra told me she is heading off for practice and asked if I wanted to come with her, which I naturally accepted. It would be nice to spend more time with Mako and Bolin, they're pretty cool.

Right now I'm watching the pro-bending team practicing, and it seems like Korra is pretty annoyed that training is pretty early in the day.

"What's the big idea with making me train this early in the morning? The morning is evil!" she says dramatically. Korra was never a morning person. Try to get her off her bed early and she'll show you no mercy. 

As Bolin and Mako explain the reasoning on why Korra has to be separated from her beauty sleep, I begin to lose myself in my thoughts. I've been thinking a lot this past day, specifically about my feelings. And not just any feelings, the ones I get whenever something happens with Korra and Mako. I don't get it. It isn't suspicion or anything, from the short talks I had with Mako, he seems to be an alright, albeit blunt and kind of an ass at times, guy. It's clear he cares for his brother, and he just wants to make a living for themselves. Nothing odd or anything at all.

So why I do get mad whenever I see Korra smiling at him?

My thoughts are interrupted by a voice.

"There are my little hardworking street urchins."

I turn to look at the origin of the voice, and see a man wearing fancy clothing which doesn't really fit the environment we're in. Who is this guy?

He approaches the Fire Ferrets, confidence in the steps he takes.

"It's an honour to finally meet you, Avatar." he says to Korra.

It is clear my best friend shares the same confusion as I do. "And you are?" she says, hesitance in her voice.

"Butakha" the man says, taking off his top hat and lowering it as a form of gesture. "I run this whole pro-bending shebang."

Butakha then proceeds to pull out some money and hands it to Mako. "Here's your winnings from the match."

Damn, that's a lot of money. You can get that from being a pro-bender? I wouldn't know what to do with all that mon-

"Ah, ah, ah. But not so fast." Butakha says slimily, as he proceeds to take all of the money from the firebender's hands whilst listing all of the excuses for doing so, leaving Mako's hand as it was before he arrived: Empty.

 But it appears the guy isn't done. 

"Oh, and one more small item of business. The Fire Ferrets need to ante up to 30,000 yuans for the championship pot."

30,000 yuans?! Sprits, why is it so much?! And without it they can't enter the tournament? Oh come on!

And just like that, Butakha leaves. Great, just great.

Bolin turns to Korra, desperation in his eyes. "You wouldn't happen to have a secret Avatar bank account overflowing with gold, would you?"

Korra empties her pockets, and, ta-da, nothing. 

"I've never really needed money. I've always had people taking care of me." she said, a charming smile on her face.

However, just before I could make a teasing comment on how spoilt she sounds, Mako becomes serious.  

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