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Frustration is fuelled within me every second we stay in our apartment. Pacing back and forth, hands clasped, behind my back, I stare daggers into the ground.

"Y/N, relax." Korra suggests, concern in her face.

Relax? How can I relax now?!

After Aiwei escaped, Korra proposed we use Naga to track down the truth seer but Chief Beifong forbid us to do so! She wants to send us back to Republic City so she can protect Korra! Even Suyin agreed with her much to everyone's surprise and now we're leaving tomorrow!

"Every minute we waste, the further that traitor gets away." I grit out, my steps increasing in their speed and intensity. "This is our best chance to catch Zaheer and we are now losing it!"

"None of us are liking it." Mako comments, his voice so bitter that I can practically taste it. "But we have to listen to the Chief's orders."

Unfortunately, he's right.

"I guess so." I concede and I eventually drop to one of the chairs. "She better know what she's doing."

A loud knock brings the scene to a halt.

Who's knocking at this time of night?

Korra opens the door and there, standing by the entrance, is Suyin.

Wait, Suyin?!


"You really think Naga could track Aiwei?"



"Then, here."

In a flash, I see the matriarch handing Korra some keys. Wait, keys?

"There's a jeep packed with supplies on the east gate." Suyin explains. "It's all gassed and ready to go."

Korra, obviously, is confused by all of this. "What? Why?"

Suyin responds immediately. There isn't a hint of hesitation or regret. "Because I want you to hunt down Aiwei and bring him back to me."


Despite my shock, I manage to speak up. "I thought you said-"

"-I said what Lin wanted to hear and I bought you guys some time." She clarifies. "Go. I'll deal with Lin in the morning."

YES! We can finally catch that bastard!

After a quick hug to Suyin from Korra, we all begin to depart. Before I walk past Beifong, I give her a small smile. Despite our differences, despite the arguments, despite everything, at this moment, we are allies. She helped us and I will be grateful for that.

"Thank you."

Suyin, probably having the same thoughts as I did about our relationship, smiles back. "Don't mention it. Now, go!"

I nod and with a quick dash we head off, Korra on Naga and the rest of Team Avatar in the jeep.

The hunt begins.


We have been travelling for hours. Once the sky was as black as Vaatu's heart is now as bright and blue as the hope we now have.

Throughout the trip we all managed to have a little bit of rest. We needed it after all the excitement we had back in Zaofu.

The thought of the metal city reminds me of Lin. She's going to be PISSED when she realises we're gone. Spirits, she probably already knows.

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