Chapter 34

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All the residents gathered at the lift as it showed that someone was coming down. Everyone had their weapons ready in case the robbers returned and tried to hurt them again, no one would back away now.

As the elevator door opened and the people around became more anxious, but they were only welcomed by a singular robber, all alone and frightened as he held his gun up in defense.
He came out in front and had a slight frightened expression on.

"Why are you alone?" Eunhyuck asked.

Something didn't feel right.
Minseo moved forward, "Where's Hyunsoo."

"We don't have time for this," the river replied, his gun still up.

"What do you mean?"

"If they come down were all dead", he replied in eagerness, hoping everyone would side him.

Still unable to understand what he meant and why he was acting in such a way, Yikyung asked again, "What are you talking about?"

"Damn it!" he put his hands up and placed his gun on the floor, submitting himself, "Let's all survive together, okay?"

As everyone kept on staring at him, he pulled out a piece of paper and asked the residents to take a look at it.

"Special infectee report guide,"

As Hyejin started to read, Minseo became more anxious.

"We guarantee the safety of anyone who reports a special infectee. You will be transferred to a safe camp."

"What does this mean?"

"They want us to report them."

The residents talked among themselves.

The robber nodded, "See, both of them up there- they're infected. And they'll come kill us too, just like they killed others."

Before he could be further investigated, the lift again showed a sign that someone was coming down. And once again, the survivors were ready to fight any danger coming their way.

The door opened, showing Uimyeong standing with his hood up, covering most of his face, and Hyunsoo in front of him.
He slowly walked ahead, out of the elevator.

Everyone remained in the defensive position and Yikyung even moved closer to Hyunsoo with her gun.

Minseo felt her heart beating faster with every second, but remained intact.
Go to him.
Stand with him, by his side.
She heard her own voice, whispering.
Unconsciously she gulped and bit her lip, trying to be hhh
C'mon, he's just like you,
You shouldn't be getting any special treatment. You should too–

And her eyes met Hyunsoo's, but he looked away when Yikyung began speaking.
"Cha Hyunsoo, what condition are you in?"

"Did I win?" Uimyeong asked him.

"Hyunsoo is alright," Eunhyuck replied instead of him.

"This is unexpected," Uimyeong moved forward and gently pushed the gun down, Yikyung was holding.

"Don't move," Sangwook threatened him.

"Those things can't kill me," he replied.

"Don't worry about that," Sangwook retorted back, " I'll fine a way to kill you when I need to."

Minseo snapped to look at Sangwook when she heard him, but except Hyunsoo, no one paid attention to her reaction.

Eunyu spoke up, "Hyunsoo, are you okay?"

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