Chapter 33

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"She's really going to die this time," a resident said when he saw Seonyoung's burnt body.

"Shut up, you idiot," a robber pointed his gun at him.
Two other robbers came to scene, frustrated.
"Where have you been?"

"Shut up, your breath stinks," the one with a lot of piercings replied. He bent town near the residents,
"But you smell of disinfectant," he told Yuri after he sniffed her, then pointed at a room, "You should go over there. The patient is in bad condition, I think she might die soon."

Yuri immediately stood up to leave and even though Mr. Ahn tried to stop her, he was told to sit back down by another man.

When Yuri entered the room, she saw Jisu on the floor.

The robber closed the door behind them, "I'm hurt too. Do you want to see my wound?" he grabbed her and immediately pushed her down.

Yuri struggled to fight and Jisu -who was not unconscious, hit the man to stop him. She dropped the broken sword of Jaehwan as the man pushed her and hit her continuously on her surgery wound.

Panicking, Yuri picked up the sword and stabbed him, and as he resisted her attack, they fell on the sofa. The sword now completely passed trough the man. He vomited blood over Yuri and dropped dead in the floor.
With shaky hands, she tried to grab her inhaler but it dropped on the floor.

Sangwook soon entered the room and immediately let Yeongsu down.
He had a worried look on his face as he moved to help Yuri with her inhaler.

She held his wrist once her breathing stabilized and slowly looked at him, "...I, killed a person."

"It's okay," he reassured her, "He wasn't a human."


Minseo didn't like how she was hiding in a corner without doing anything.
Her mind thinking of any possibility where she could get rid of another robber.
But then she looked at her shovel -it won't be as helpful. And then she looked around, there was nothing that she could use and hiding was the best option for now.

She sighed, but her hopes came back when Yikyung shot the man who was guarding the residents.

"Hurry, leave," she told everyone.

Another man came with his gun, "I knew this would happen!"

"Drop your gun," Yikyung told him but he didn't back away.

He shot another resident without thinking, "Should we make a bet on who can kill more people?!" More screams were heard.
"The side that is mores scared should surrender. Now drop your gun, you bitch!"

Yikyung slowly put her gun down and the man started to hit her as he seized the opportunity, knowing very well that no one would stand up to him.

Seeing how no one did a thing, as they all were frightened, Minseo took this chance and sprinted towards them to hit him, unfortunately missing his head and hurting his back instead.

Enraged, the man pushed her back, trying to get the shovel out of his way and kill Minseo, but he then suddenly stopped moving and fell on the floor; Yikyung shot him dead.
She sighed in relief.

Eunhyuk immediately walked up to Minseo who was standing there like a statue and held her from the shoulders, "Are you alright?"

She finally looked up and nodded, "I'm fine... What about you?
He nodded in return as well.

Eunyu also smiled at her when their eyes met.
Minseo now felt a lot better.

But their concerns had gone no where, as they all worried about Hyunsoo who had been taken to the rooftop.

Meanwhile the lad hadn't been more shocked at anything than he was at the sight in front of him.

The polluted air surrounded him and gloomy atmosphere was made worse when Uimyeong, another turning-being like him, killed Jungseop and his men right in front of Hyunsoo.

Uimyeong moved towards him and his bloody hand raised to greet him, "Nice to meet you."

Hyunsoo stared at him expressionless, ignoring his extended hand, as a helicopter disturbed their moment of silence and passed by them, showering them with the rain of pamphlets.

Uimyeong looked down at the red papers falling by his feet and bent down to pick one up,


He brought it in front of Hyunsoo's face to let him see, but the latter remained uninterested and stood at his place.

"It must've hurt," Uimyeong spoke up again as his eyes moved from Hyunsoo's to his ragged shirt. He touched one of the holes in it, "I know how it feels..." he dropped his hand, "You can never get used to it-."

"Why did you kill him," Hyunsoo asked, a scowl on his face.

"I thought you'd be grateful."

"You were on the same side,"

Uimyeong broke into fit of laughter, "How can a wolf and rabbit be on the same side? The rabbit was pretending to be a wolf, so I just played along.
He shrugged, "But there's no need for that now. It's not a crime for a wolf to kill a rabbit after playing with it. That's just a natural in this world now."

"Monsters that don't harm humans...exist," Hyunsoo replied with certainty.
To validate his statement, he brought Uimyeong to apartment 1408; Dusik's residence, and let him see for himself.

Uimyeong stared at the fetus monster inside the bathroom, fascinated by it, "I've never seen such a thing before. It can not kill anything in this state."
He picked up his hood from the side, "Okay, I can see that there is a Monster that doesn't harm humans."

Hyunsoo stared at the fetus without saying a word as Uimyeong wore his jacket.

He looked at Hyunsoo, "But will there be humans that don't harm monsters?"
He took out the pamphlet from his pocket and held it by his face, "Do you still think those people you're trying to protect will welcome you after reading this?
He took a step forward after a momentary pause, "So what do you think? Whose side will you bet on?


a/n: hello everyone!
So I was going through a lot of comments and I realized that some of y'all ship Minseo with Hyunsoo.

Now I'm here to tell you guys to be hopeful because I have some ideas for season 2 (change of mind because I don't see Eunhyuk in the cast), we can only be sure once it's released though.

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