Chapter 4

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PS: guys you ain't skipping any chapter, I just didn't add the part where Dusik saves Hyunsoo. In this story, when Minseo realizes that Hyunsoo is in danger, she tells it to Dusik and then he helps him. I hope this helps  :)

"I'm Han Dusik," the old man in front, introduced himself, "And you?"

"I'm Cha Hyunsoo," the boy replied, voice almost inaudible.

"Your name is Hyunsoo?" A sudden female voice surprised him and he looked at the girl, who sat on the sofa holding a heavy frying pan, "Glad you're fine,"
She brought her free hand up in the air, "I'm Minseo."

She was glad she ran to Dusik's house when Hyunsoo didn't respond and well, fortunately Dusik was prepared too.

"You're a slow speaker," Dusik refered to the boy, making the him look back at him.

Hyunsoo looked no less than a frightened, lost child in a forest.
His face looking hazy but he was determined at the same time.

"How can I save the kids?" He got to the point.

"What do you mean how? You'll have to go," Dusik came from behind the table, sitting in his wheel chair, and motioned towards his legs, "Should I go?"

Hyunsoo looked at Dusik from bottom to top, "ahh..."

Minseo interrupted, gaining everyone's attention, "I'll come with you," she then looked at Dusik, "What?" She asked, frowning at the old man's concerned face, "The more, the merrier."

Dusik sighed, shaking his head lightly and turned to Hyunsoo, "I used to be legend in Cheonggyecheon. You know how you get a tank made there, if you have a blueprint?" He pursed his lips realizing that Hyunsoo didn't get a word he spoke.

"Uncle, I don't understand anything up to this day, how will he?" Minseo chuckled and looked at Hyunsoo who was fortunately looking at her as well. She shook her head lightly letting him know not to overthink about it.

Dusik sighed again, "That means I can transform your stick into something more useful," he out stretched his hand towards the weapon Hyunsoo was holding, "Give me that."

Hyunsoo brought his stick forward without realizing that the knife attached on the top, was right in front of Dusik's face. He stared at him, stunned.

"Oh..." Hyunsoo muttered, handing him the stick from the other end.

Minseo started at Hyunsoo who still stood in front of Dusik's table like a statue, looking here and there.

She contemplated for a moment, "Hyunsoo..." he looked at her, "wanna come with me? You can help me find something more useful than this." She tossed the pan in her grip and glanced at Hyunsoo.

Dusik looked between both the youngsters before speaking up, "Yeah, go. Be more useful yourselves."

Once they carefully reached her apartment, Hyunsoo looked around astonished. He didn't think he'd find a home, like this here. Minseo's apartment looked out of place, but in a positive sense.

A small cough brought him out of his thoughts and she pointed towards her bed, "You can look beneath it, my dad keeps his stuff there."

He nodded and started to do what Minseo said while she looked into her belongings, hoping to find something functional.

"This," she heard Hyunsoo and looked at him as he held a shovel. She took it into her hands.

The shovel wasn't very old, neither really used, so it was in a good condition, fortunately the edges were sharp too.

She smiled satisfactorily, "Right. This is it."

She placed it over her bed and stood up while Hyunsoo, without a word, placed the excess things back beneath the bed, stopping as he gripped an uncovered box, covered with dust, which was filled with a few books, diaries to be specific and a few photos inside.

His eyes landed on a framed paper with three, labeled handprints on it. In the palm of the biggest handprint was written; Kang Seokwoo. The smaller one stated; Kang Haemi. And lastly, the smallest one -the one which seemed to be of a child, stated; Kang Minseo.

An unnoticed smile made its way at Hyunsoo's face and he placed the frame back, only to pick another one; Minseo's family photo.

The small, three membered family was smiling ear to ear in the picture and looked like the happiest they've ever been, reminding Hyunsoo of his family as well.

"I was ten years old," he immediately put it down when he heard Minseo.

She chuckled, "Don't be surprised,"
she sighed and took the picture in her hand, "It was taken on the day we found out I was going to be an older sister."
She was smiling but her voice was laced with sadness as she spoke, Hyunsoo staring at her longingly. She placed it back and smiled at him, "Whatever. You'll be hungry right? Let's have food."

Her question caught him off guard, his mind going back to the ramen box that was previously outside his apartment, and all the incidents that took place afterwards.

His silence was a yes to Minseo and she immediately brought the warned up food for themselves in a tray.

"Don't be shy, have some. We need energy to save the kids," Minseo commented over his hesitancy, "I made it yesterday so it's not very fresh but it's still good."

"Thanks," she heard him mumble before he actually started to eat making her smile again.

"Hyunsoo," she uncertainty started after a while of eating silently, "Would you, like to friend?"

Hyunsoo was unprepared for a question like this. He looked up and stared at her surprised and Minseo slowly looked down in disappointment -more embarrassed, after Hyunsoo's reaction.


"Okay," Hyunsoo muttered.

"What? Okay? It was weird for me to say that out of sudden. It's because-"

"It's alright..." His small smile lessened Minseo's embarrassment and she slowly nodded her head a small smile creeping up her face as well.

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