Chapter 23

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Not being able to look away from the CCTV, a sudden thud was heard.

Dusik and Minseo looked up to the vent where the sound continued to come from and held his weapon up in defense.

Suyeong screamed making them run out to check on her.
She was running away from the monster.
When she saw the two adults, she quickly ran to them, but tripped in the process.

Minseo quickly moved forward to help and pushed her on a side with herself.

Dusik pointed his self-made gun to the huge spider monster, and shot immediately, which made it follow him.

Dusik continued to push his wheelchair away from the creature behind him, but unfortunately he was tripped due to a pillar and fell on the ground.

Minseo followed them with Suyeong and tried to distract the monster as the young girl went to help Dusik but the creature didn't stop and continued to move towards Dusik.
"No, run! You should go!"

"The trap!" Minseo shouted and Dusik used his gun to pull the string and by previously set trap, a bell rang, as an indication of a monster and the spider was held up by a string.

Unfortunately the spider was still able to capture Suyeong who was helping Dusik.

"Uncle!" Suyeong screamed for help, and Dusik tightly held her leg, using all his strength.

Minseo ran to pick her shovel, she dropped while trying to distract the monster, and started to attack the spider's legs with it –which it was continuously wiggling due to the lack of surface–, hoping for the creature to leave Suyeong.

Right before it could drop the girl, the force of the monster made the nail lose and the hook which held the string up, currently attached to the spider's leg, dropped. And the monster was back on its feet.

"Uncle," Suyeong tried to help Dusik.

Minseo immediately left the shovel and held the string, trying to pull it with all her strength but struggled to do it alone.

"Quickly go! I'm fine," Dusik pushed the girl away, making sure she's safe.

Minseo still struggled to pull the monster behind but was able to shift it's attention to her from Dusik. Though, the monster was quick and shoved his sharp leg into Dusik's. And the poor old man tried to shoot his gun but it didn't work anymore.

Minseo groaned as she pulled the string harder, her breath becoming shallow with each passing second.

Suddenly the forced became less, after being divided to two more individuals who came to help; Eunyu and Yuri.

They were able to pull it back a bit but their struggle didn't end, untill the other three women joined and pulled the string, hanging up the creature again.

Suyeong came with one of the glass bottles they filled for safety and thew it at the spider, lighting a few of it's legs on fire. But that only made it wiggle more and with more of it's force, the monster was able to escape the string as all the people holding the string, fell due to the impact.

The monster moved towards Dusik so Minseo pushed herself up, grabbing the shovel again, and came in front of Dusik for defense.

The creature didn't stop and Minseo had no choice but to attack him before it harms her.

I can do it.
She fearlessly started to stab the spider monster with her shovel, it's blood drops splashing over her too. The spider's legs harmed her arm and waist but she couldn't care and continued to fight against it, her mind getting hazy and things becoming blur around her.

Minseo didn't even realize that everyone from basement had came up and Dusik was moved away from behind her.
She continued to struggle and defend herself, the monster's movement slowing down just a bit.

If only I had something better.

Hyunsoo grabbed Minseo's arm, in hopes of getting her away but he was stunned, and stopped as he saw her eyes all black, how his gets.

The lack of attack for a second made Minseo fall on her back because of the force the monster was applying, but thankfully, due to the shovel in her hand, she was able to keep it away from herself, yet so close.

Hyunsoo immediately attacked it's back with his weapon. The monster turned to Hyunsoo and he again attached him, electric current running through it's body.

The creature didn't stop till the end, even when Hyunsoo was on his back, he fought and was able to kill the monster with smoke emitting from his body.

Minseo was glad the attention was diverted from her to Hyunsoo as she struggled to sit up, the pain in her arm making her want to scream. The cut felt deep. Her eyes came back to normal, her vision clearing up.

Eunhyuk ran behind her and helped her sit, and she stood up with his help, holding onto his shoulders.

"Come," he moved while holding her, to take her for treatment where Dusik was but she stopped him.

I don't need a treatment, I'll heal too.

"Wait," she told him to follow everyone.

All of them were moving behind Hyunsoo who was once again, ready to isolate himself.

Isn't this where I'm supposed to be?

"If you were going to lock him up, why did you save him?" Jaehwan muttered, audible enough for everyone to hear.

"Sorry," Jieun started, making Hyunsoo stop to look at her, "We made things more difficult for you."

Eunhyuk came with Minseo, having heard everything.
"You can choose this time," he said.

Everyone turned to look at him, eyes turning towards Minseo too.

She looked down, embarrassed from herself and hating the attention.
When she looked up, her eyes met with Hyunsoo's.

He turned away and closed the door, not deciding to isolate himself this time.

Minseo first stayed inside the daycare, letting Yuri treat other before her,
"I know about medication too," she smiled at Yuri, "You should help others first, I'll be fine."

While no one paid attention to her, Minseo got up to leave.

"Where are you going?" Eunyu entered the room.


Minseo left and even though Eunyu wanted to ask if she needed help, she didn't.

Right, she was healing.
Minseo had previously tested, making a shallow cut on her forearm inorder to see if she heals like Hyunsoo or not. She did.

No one was in the washroom so Minseo freely took off her shirt to see her injuries. She still had the cuts on her waist and arm, but it was hurting less than before. Her face had drops of blood and scratches but it wasn't painful at all.

She wore her shirt and the flannel Eunhyuk had given her before, and washed her face clean.

She stayed away from everyone for a while. Glad that no one came looking for her.

Having no appetite at all, she went inside the gaming room and closed the door behind her.

"This is such an eerie place. How did Hyunsoo even manage to isolate himself in here..?"

"It's not easy."

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