Chapter 11

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The words displayed boldly on the television in the daycare, everyone's attention on the screen, eager to get updates on the situation they were facing.

          “As of August 17, 2020, Martial law has been declared throughout the public Republic of Korea in accordance with article 77, section 1 of the constitution and article 2, section 2 of the Martial law act. The military will be in charge of all security and civil affairs. The military has confirmed that an unspecified number of people have been turning into unknown creatures.”

'Unknown creatures?
Minseo thought to herself. It was way too obvious that the so-called creatures, people were turning into, weren't zombies. They turned when they were alive, and had supernatural powers too.
Would zombies have been easier to defeat?

         “The exact cause is still unknown but it is believed to be related to a human desire. It is not a respiratory or blood-borne infection.”

Desire? So it's not a man made disease?
So many questions ran through her mind in a span of seconds.

           “Quarantine those who show symptoms of hypothermia, nosebleeds, fainting, and auditory or visual hallucinations. These creatures have excellent resilience and regenerative abilities. Before an individual turns, there is a period of time where they cannot recover from severe lacerations or damage. It is the only time these creatures can be killed. We have thus termed this the golden hour.”

Golden hour?
This term, for the infected?
Minseo took in t information the woman gave, specifically about when a monster could be killed, in its 'golden hour'.

           “All captured creatures should be incinerated. Currently this is the only action civilians can take.
The military can and will solve the current situation. Survive. Good luck.”

"See, we're fine." Seokhyeon spoke up, sitting in front of the TV, "The military will come and rescue us if we hold out."
"I knew it–"

"She told us to survive on our own." Byeoggil scoffed.

"This doesn't make sense. Desires make you a monster?" Jae asked.

"You saw them outside." Heyin interrupted.

"That's what she said."
"The president died, though."
"What do you mean by hold out?"
"Do you believe her?"

A discussion started to heat up among the residents, with everyone giving their opinions.

Minseo silently sat in her place, eyes glued on the now switched off television.
Your Desire makes you a monster.


And it was here again, the nosebleed.

Minseo knew, rather hoped, that Eunhyuk had no idea about her condition from previous day. She was seriously going through the exact symptoms, she heard in the news, got a message about and even saw on the internet. This was some serious shit she had to get together.
Moreover, in her head.

She washed her face and glanced around one last time, confirming herself alone in the washroom, and made her way out.

"The boy fell from ninth floor. Right in front of Eunyu"
"He's not dead."
"That's scary."

Minseo frowned as she heard residents' conversation, suddenly wondering what she had missed.

"I've heard he's turning into a monster."
"We should stay away from him."
"Yes, the people with him said, he's turning."
"Do you know him?"
"No, but he's new in this building."

The description sounded way too familiar, and so, Minseo joined the discussion, "What happened?"

Heyin looked at her quite surprised that she was still unaware, "A boy was coming down with two more people when he fell from ninth floor, right in front of Eunyu."


Heyin nodded, "He lost so much blood but he's still alive–"

"Where is Eunyu?"

She looked at Minseo curiously before replying, "In the gaming center maybe-"

Without letting her complete, the young girl sprinted out of the daycare towards the told place, also glancing at Jisu and the man with her, in the process. But she didn't stop for them, instead, halting her steps when she reached gaming center.

"Eunyu," she stood up when she saw Minseo. She came in further and observed the girl, "Are you alright?"

She nodded in response.

"Right, where is the– Hyunsoo?" Her eyes widened and she made her way towards the unconscious boy. Everything seemingly giving her shocks in less than a minute.

"You know him?" Eunyu inquired, moving to stand behind Minseo, who was bending by the boy.

She nodded, not separating her eyes from him, "He's my neighbor."

"Right," Eunyu sighed and moved to sit back on the chair she previously sat, "What a pain."

Minseo left her place to sit on another chair in the room. Hyunsoo didn't seem to be waking up anytime soon.

"I'm glad you're here," Eunyu said making Minseo look at her, "I don't want to look after him alone."

"Look after?" Minseo lopsidedly smiled, "Sure."


A very familiar sound.

Such a sweet voice.

"Kang Minseo,"
This time the voice came out louder and firmer than before.

Minseo snapped open her eyes, sitting up straight and winced and the sudden sunlight that hit her face.

"Oh my," she heard the voice again and the curtain closed right after, making her drop her arm down which she used as a shield, and look around.

She found herself in a way too familiar place however, everything was undoubtedly different.
The bed was bigger, the table and shelves around were messier, pens and books all over the place. There were hooks behind her door, filled with numerous clothes. She had a dressing table kept untidily.

"Earth to Minseo," as a hand waved in front of her face, she looked up to see someone she wasn't expecting to, ever. But had always wished to ever since she left.



Your desires make you a monster."

Within Us.  ➛️️ SWEET HOMETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang