Chapter 29

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Minseo was playing with Yeongsu and Suyeong, but she was aware that Hyunsoo and Sangwook had gone on the roof to take off the sos sign.

Apparently the soldier that was being dragged by Yikyung had a walkie talkie and its signals had probably transmitted before it was destroyed. Hence, the building could be tracked. Moreover, Yikyung had told the miltay about Hyunsoo as well.

Right when Hyunsoo and Sangwook were about to rerun after dropping the sign, they saw the building security guard entering the elevator –which had been turned on for Hyunsoo and Sangwook. The guard was carrying a grass cutter with bugs swarming around his face, he had also turned into a monster.

As soon as the elevator door was closed and it began to move down, they immediately ran downstairs, alerting everyone about a monster as the bells around started to ring terrifically.

Residents immediately reached the stairway end with their weapon, meanwhile Sangwook, who was coming down with Hyunsoo, was attacked by a monster of some floor.

"Go first," Sangwook stopped Hyunsoo from attacking, and told him to leave as he fought that monster alone.

Everyone was panicked about the situation. Minseo as well tried to calm down the children and held Yeongsu close to her, assuring them that everything will be fine.

Every second was prescious in this situation. Hyunsoo realized that he may not be able to reach the ground level in time, so he decided to jump from an upper level. Even though he broke his leg, he hoped that he'd recover soon and would be able to get to the monster in time.

Ms. Cha, who was guarding the elevator, was surprised to see that there was someone other than Hyunsoo or Sangwook in the elevator.
"Sir?" she asked the man who had his back on her.

The monster twisted his neck to look at her. "Rotten fish!" He then opened his mouth and a swarm or flies came out of it.
Using his grass cutter, he attacked Ms. Cha.

Jaeheon came in time with his sword to save the lady and tried to stop the monster. Their weapons colliding with each other creating a loud sound.

Hyunsoo, who was still on the ground, his leg unrecovered, struggling to make it out. Meanwhile Minseo, who was being eaten out by guilt, kept on thinking that if there is a monster outside, she should also be the one fighting, rather than just sitting in the daycare with the children.

Not being able to hold it for much longer, Jaeheon's hand twisted and he fell to the ground, a wave of shock hitting him when he realized he had lost his arm by the grass cutter in the process.

Minseo, along with others, came to the scene, only too find Jaeheon moving towards the monster and pulling him back, inorder to save the residents. They fell in the elevator, fighting each other, creating a bloody mess in the small space. The door kept on closing and opening as Jaeheon was ready to sacrifice himself.

"Throw it!" He ordered the man, holding the fire bottle, but like everyone else, he was shocked and unsure whether to kill Jaeheon in the process too.
But to everyone's surprise, Eunhyuk took the bottle from the man and threw it in the elevator, killing both, the monster and Jaehwan.

A mournful atmosphere took over, and everyone was saddened by the loss of one of the brave resident.

Jaeheon was buried in the room with other deceased. And a paper flower was placed over his grave.

"You died when you should have lived, and I lived when I should have died." Mr. Ahn said.

Jisu was suppose to stay in bed, after her surgery, but she managed to enter the room for a while but left immediately. She struggled to walk and sat down against a door and tears tolled down her face as she remembered the last moments of Jaeheon before he sacrificed himself. He was taking care of Jisu and was with her the whole time, having a feeling that he may not return alive, he had confessed his feelings to her before he left.

Jisu broke down and sobbed.
Minseo sat by her side and placed a hand over her shoulder as she cried more.

A box of chocolate was placed on her side and Jisu looked up to see Eunyu.
"Eat," she told Jisu, "You were always ugly buy you look uglier now–"

"Eunyu," Minseo cut her off.

"If you want to live, just act like before," Jisu told Eunyu, "Nothing good will happen of you're near me."
She then glanced at Minseo, "Get away from me, before my bad luck reaches you too."

"Don't say that," Minseo tried to comfort her.

"Everyone around me dies. Either by killing themselves, or being killed by monsters." She cried again.

"Are you throwing a pity party?" Eunyu sat on the other side of the pillar, "Well, I have bad luck too. You know I'm an orphan, right? Both my mom and dad passed away in an accident when they were coming to see a ballet performance. My dad said he was tired, but I was stubborn about going there."
she sighed, "I made Eunhyuk orphan too, and I ruined his life. I don't think we are blood related at all, and honestly we are not even a family without our parents. But he took a leave from school to help me study ballet. He is crazy. Really crazy. He said it wasn't my fault. That it's okay. Does he think I will be fine with it just because he is? I didn't want to be indepted to him, so I was determine to become successful ballerina to pay him back later but..." she scoffed, now agitated instead of being sad, "My ancle is so ruined. I can't even do a turn."
She turned to look at Jisu and Minseo, "What do you think? Aren't I pitiful?"

Enduring it silently before, Jisu started to sob again.

"What is it? Is this a who's-more-pitiful competition going on here?" Minseo frowned at Eunyu, "Go, and ask anyone here. Everyone will tell you how pitiful they are, especially in a situation like this. Even I can call myself pitiful and act like all sad and heartbroken...but I have no interest in gaining sympathy–"

"It's not about sympathy. She thinks that she's the most pitiful person here," Eunyu replied, referring to Jisu, "But that's not the case. I'll prove it to you. I am going to survive with you till the end... There is nothing else to do anyways."

Eunyu left, leaving a weeping Jisu with Minseo alone.
Minseo moved forward to grab the chopped off sword left by the Jaeheon and gave it to Jisu.
"You can cry, it's okay. But don't try to be miserable. Things are already bad enough...get well soon, and fight till the end," with a final pat on her shoulder, Minseo left her side as well, giving her the space she needs.

a/n: Hello everyone!

First of all, I'm really sorry for the LONG hiatus I took. I had a lot of things, and especially after my drafts for over 10 chapters were deleted, I had no heart to write it all again. But as the author of this book, I should've been responsible.

I'm really thankful to those who had patiently waited for me.
I'll try my best to end this book soon –we're already nearing the end.
Hope you like it till the last chapter.

Season 2 of the drama has also been announced. There seems to be a lot going on with it as well (i.e. new characters), but let's hope I can make something good out of it

Stay safe!
PS: Thank you for 100k reads! It's like a dream come true <3

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