Different and New

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The next day

Starscream woke up suddenly as he surveyed his surroundings. "This is going to take some getting used to." He said to himself as he rubbed the of his helm. The Autobot med bay had been a whole lot more different than the Harbinger and even the Decepticon med bay its self on the Nemesis. He stood up and carefully looked around his wings flinching in pain every time he tried to move them. He spotted his makeshift weapon and picked it up, as he looked around for something to try and improve it. Did he have much idea of what he should do with it? No, not in the slightest but he thought it would be beneficial to him to do something productive instead of simply sitting around like a worthless piece of scrap. Which wasn't far from how he thought of himself right about now. 

He spotted a large pile of wrenches and chuckled softly as he grabbed one, "Who knew one medic could need so many wrenches?" He tightened a few of the loose screws in the dagger and smiled at his own craftsmanship. He set it down as he heard someone walk in, his helm shooting up as he noticed the Autobot medic whom looked at the silver seeker suspiciously. Ratchet thought nothing of it and went to check on little science experiments with the Synthen. 

Starscream let out a small sigh of relief glad that nothing had been brought to question as he glanced over at what exactly Ratchet was working on. He was very impressed to see synthetic Energon, he had read studies and how it was used to create more Energon when the organic stuff was in short supplies. "Will you not hover? I am trying to work." Ratchet asked with annoyance as he felt Starscream's presence. "Of course." The seeker said with an apologetic tone as he scurried away to a place in which not to disturb the medic.

He walked into the main area of the base subconsciously not noticing anything till he heard a very loud voice exclaim, "Starscream?! What's he doing here?!" The sound made him flinch as his wings moved down causing a shot of pain. "What was that agitating sound!?" He spat as he glanced at the human known as Miko. "Me!" She exclaimed placing her hands on her hips, "And what are you doing here?"

"I wouldn't tell you even if I had to." Starscream refused folding his arms reluctantly. That was when he noticed a forth human child among the usual three. He blinked his optics a few times to make sure he wasn't seeing things, "I thought you only had three...humans." "Had is the main word there." Ratchet explained as he walked into the main area to work on the computers. 

"I'm Jaz." She said introducing herself. "Uh- you can't just tell Decepticon's your name!" Jack explained as he pointed to Starscream. *He can't hurt us!* Bumblebee chirped he transformed after coming back from patrol. Starscream took offense to the statement but the young bot wasn't wrong. He managed to simply act like he didn't hear the comment but it didn't make it better when Bulkhead agreed, "Since when was he ever going to hurt us?" Bumblebee let out a laugh in a series of beeps. 

"I killed Cliffjumper and you say I would never hurt you?!" He spat not realizing what he had just said. Arcee glared over to Starscream with a look of death as her optics narrow toward the seeker. Giving a look that said, 'Say something like that again and I will kill you personally.'


I am sorry I haven't updated in a while. It's I have had writers block and also school so thanks for understanding and supporting me. If you ever want to give me any ideas or suggestions you can private message me and I would Definitely  give you credit where due! Thank you one again I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and Till all are one!

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