Wounded inside and out

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Starscream's POV: 

I ran as fast as I could since I didn't have the T-cog transplant yet. I dodged as many attacks as I could failing at many points. I then spotted a giant boulder being held up by a few rocks that if it fell it would crush everyone under it. "ARCEE!" I called pointing to the rock.

She nodded her helm and shoot the rocks sending the boulder flying down. She quickly made her way to where I was. I gave her a small smile, "Not to bad for an Autobot scum." I said making fun of her. "You didn't do to bad yourself, high heels." She immediately shot back. "They're not high heels you intolerable fool. I'm just built different!" I turned my back to her. "Keep telling yourself that." She giggled. There was an awkward silence. 

"I um... I just wanted to say-" she started. I looked at her confused, "You wanted to say what?" 

I watched as her faceplate became a very faint blue. "Oh uh just wanted to say thank you for your help." She then quickly left through a ground bridge she had called up. I rolled my optics "Guess it's time for me to go now." I ground bridged myself to the Harbinger and slammed my servos oh the command board. "Curse the all spark." I had just remembered what I was doing in that mine. 

"I was supposed to get more Energon. Please say I have some to last me a while." I look through my Energon reserves and sighed "Only enough for 3 solar cycles at least." 

Arcee's POV

I returned back with barely any Energon and a few scratches. "You-" Ratchet started seeing that I  only brought back a little bit of Energon. "Is this really all you could salvage?!" He yelled. My audio sensors  rung. "Well I'm sorry Ratchet but you were the one who sent me on the mission ALONE!" I snapped back at the medic. The medic looked at me in shock, "You dare snap at your superior!" 

"SINCE WHEN WHERE YOU MY SUPERIOR!?" I shouted angrily. Bee looked at me and started to shake, *A-Arcee?*  I shook my helm. "It's better than nothing." I stated before walking to my berthroom.

"Why?" I asked myself. I carefully traced my battle scars as I went through the emotional pain in my helm. "The external wounds always heal the quickest." 


Sorry that I'm lazy XD 

Hope you enjoyed 

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