Close Call

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     *So where we headed this time doc bot?* Bumblebee asked invading the old medic's personal space. "Maybe if you give me my space to work I will tell?" Ratchet said annoyed. *Okay, okay, I get it. I'll back off.*  Bee said stepping back a bit in order for the medic to work in peace. 

     "Now, you two are headed toward The Amazon." He said pulling up the coordinates. *The delivery company? That's weird what would they want with an old Iacon relic. For all they know it could be an enemy weapon or spy device!* The young mech said listing a bunch of fake problems. "Not that Amazon the one in South America, you bolt brain!" Ratchet snapped. Bumblebee lowered his helm a bit, Ratchet had been snapping at everyone a lot more lately. Even to Optimus! His age must be wearing on him.

     I stood quietly to learn the location so we could get this over and done with before anyone else gets their oily claws on it. Weather it be Decepicons or even low life's like Starscream. "Anyway, it is near an excavation sight, but humans have left the area unattended for now, at least. So I suggest you go as soon as possible." Ratchet said returning back to his normal tone. 

     "Sounds good." I said getting the coordinates into the groundbridge. "Wait, wait, wait! I forgot to tell you something." I looked to the medic in confusion, "Try not to touch anything, if you run into trouble lead them away from the area. We don't want them to wonder what happened to their set up. And we all know what happens when something gets ruined." *Agent Fowler's lecture about government property and other things.* the yellow mech said standing at the groundbridge, *Can we go now?!* Ratchet nodded signally me to open the groundbridge, "Send for back up if we aren't back in 2 hours." I said sarcastically. 

     We walked thru the bridge into a lush forest. There were so many different noises from the singing of the birds to the sound of animals running through the plant life to the rushing water. I looked at the location device but decided to hand it to Bumblebee. "Ready to lead an other scavenger hunt?" I said with a small smile. His optics widened with joy and excitement, *Uh yeah I am!* He needs to stop watching those pirate movies, but I guess it's what makes the yellow mech him. 

     "Alright where to, Captain Bumblebee?" I asked with a slight accent. *Just follow me First Mate, Arcee!*  he exclaimed heading deeper into the forest wild life. I smiled at how happy he was. Hopefully no Decepicons come and ruin the kids fun. 

     But of course I jinxed it, right as we arrived the Decepticons were already there. Trying to get their gready claws on to the artifact. "They are here." I said hiding behind a rock, "You go one way I'll go the other way." I said running toward the excavation sight. *Got it.*

     As I was running they started shooting at me. They all sorts of bullets, big, small, fast, slow, you name it! But next thing I'm being pushed to the ground by a silvery gray blurr. Seeing that the spot I would have been in would have ended me in a nanosecond.

(I'm sorry for not updating I needed to find some inspiration and I found it so yeah hopefully more to come soon. Anyway hope you guys enjoyed!)

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