Really again?

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"Alaska." Ratchet stated pin pointing the exact location. "A bit colder than Screamer's usual preferences." Arcee smirked a little with a small laugh. "What was that?" Bulkhead asked unsure if what he heard was correct. "N-nothing, just saying that's a little colder than we're used too. Being here in Nevada." Arcee corrected, focusing herself once again. Bulkhead simply shrugged and looked back to the grumpy medic. 

"I would have no doubt that this is Starscream trying to work his way in favor of us, once again." Ratchet said sounding more unimpressed than normal. "Well, shouldn't we at least, see what Starscream has to offer?" Smokescreen suggested. "It would prove most reasonable to follow such procedures, Smokescreen." Optimus relied, giving the young mech a small nod, which fill the mech with honor. 

"So we're going on an other road trip to go see, Screamy?" Bulkhead asked. "I guess so." Wheeljack chuckled, "Someone needs to check on that sparkling of a mech from time to time." "Right on." Bulkhead smiled high-fiving his friend. "Please, like you don't act like a sparkling at times, Bulk." Arcee commented, folding her arms, "However, who will go see what Starscream want's this time?"

"Bumblebee and I will go and see what Starscream wishes to offer. The rest of you stay here." Optimus planned out, Ratchet quickly opening the bridge for them. 


"What is taking those Autobot's so long?!" Starscream complained, in a childish manner. The bright ground bridge soon appeared, the seekers optic's widening. He than lowered his expectations when Optimus and his scout came through.  *Ello Screamer!* Bumblebee chirped, knowing that at this point Starscream couldn't kill any of them even if he wanted too. "Did you really have to bring that one?" Starscream murmured under his breath.

Optimus narrowed his optics before tossing the makeshift weapon at the seeker, "Mind explaining your gizmo, Starscream?"

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