Sol Dagger

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Starscream looked to the weapon that Optimus had tossed to him, picking it up ever so carefully, "I see you found my little project." He stated looking up with a sly grin. The Autobot leader simply nodded, having not being as free spirited as his fellow warriors. Starscream was a bit disappointed. Which, he hated to admit to himself, he was hoping that someone he felt more  comfortable with, and willing to make snarky comments to, would have come this time. Making almost all of his creative comebacks that he had though of previously, worthless. 

*Come on tell us what it's for!?* the young mech chirped, his optics wide with curiosity. "Curiosity killed the cat you know." Starscream replied tilting his helm at a slight angle to emphasize his phrase. Bumblebee simply rolled his optics and followed it up with, *Good thing I'm not a cat, now am I?* "We do not have much time, Starscream. Please, make this quick." Optimus urged noticing the colder temperature and the cause of being in negative degree weather, for too long. "What just so you two can go back to your nice, warm, safe base. And leave me out here in the cold to die!?" The seeker spat with slight annoyance. 

Optimus looked from Bumblebee to Starscream and came to a conclusion, "If you tell us what this weapon is, we will bring you into our base until you are stable, medically." Starscream thought for a cycle before nodding in agreement, "Deal." He said shaking servos with the Prime. "This is a little thing called a Sol Dagger. I tried to replicate it from the information on the Harbinger. It is often used to help lead to energon or other useful supplies. Plus, it can be used as a normal dagger too." 

*Is that all?... COOL!* Bumblebee beeped happily. "Now can we go? I'm, we're going to freeze out here. Unless, we get a move on!" The seeker said standing up his arms wrapped around his from as he tried to warm himself up. Prime nodded as he called a ground bridge, "Optimus to base, we are in need of a ground bridge and for med bay to be prepped. We are bring back a... visitor."

Back at base

"We are bring back a... visitor." Arcee heard Optimus say over the comms, freezing in he tracks as she walked past Ultra Magnus. "Is everything... okay, solider?" The commander asked in a calmer tone than normal. "They're bringing Starscream back to base." Arcee said uneasily, especially as she heard the ground bridge open, walking into the main area. 

Starscream looked around the base and locked onto Arcee's optics for a couple seconds before quickly turning to look somewhere else. "Right this way." Ratchet says telling the group to follow him to the med bay. Starscream sat panicked as he looked to roof as he laid down.

"This shouldn't take long." Ratchet says in a stern but calm tone


Hope,you guys had a good Valentine's Day!

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