"Oh that can't be your idea" I laughed to myself. The Jake Puckerman that I knew would beat those kids up on the playground. Not be jumping at the chance to join them.

"Actually it was. I found out that my half-brother was actually in the New Directions, so I thought I would join to see what the whole thing was about" Jake announced. Wow, so I guess that meant that me and him both had a lot more in common than we thought.

"Are you sure that you're not thinking about my life story?" I laughed. Jake shrugged. He didn't look too crazy about him having a surprise brother that he didn't know about. Which was my exact reaction when I found out that I had two half-brothers that I didn't know about.

"Nope. My half-brother Puck graduated from here last year. Which was when my mom decided that I could come to this school now. She wasn't too crazy about me having a half-brother" Jake announced with a fake but hearty chuckle.

"Well that can't be easy to swallow" I stated outright. If you didn't know Jake, then you don't know that he some boarder line anger issues that acted up when he got stressed. Finding out your dad had another family was like being hit with a bus trust me. Finding out your dad had chosen that other family was even worse.

"Nope it isn't. You should totally come with me to my audition though. Then we can go to lunch afterwards" Jake announced. It was nine am. How long were these auditions going to take?

"Urm...sure...I'm still trying to picture you singing" I announced. Jake laughed at me while we walked to his audition. Laughing and catching up about the four years we had been apart.



"Okay, let's get started" Mr Shue shouted to us. Even though we were sat right next to him in the auditorium. We were auditioning new recruits for the New Directions and this year we actually had like really candidates because we were popular from just winning Nationals. We were even sitting with the cool kids at the cool table now. Being that I'm not on the football team anymore, I guess that I'm not one of the cool kids anymore. In fact, the only popular person that we really have in New Directions is Brittany.

"And remember guys. We're looking for superstars" Kurt announced, he gave an awkward nod to Sugar, who's jaw dropped a Kurt's bitchiness. He turned on the camera ready for auditions, which we had never done before either.

"Okay so first up we have...Stoner Brett?" Mr Shue asked over the microphone. He seemed more genuinly confused than anything else. As well as all of us. After Stoner Brett's cafeteria performance of 'Bust A Move' last year...well let's just say that he couldn't sing. Be nice.

Surely enough, Brett wandered out onto the stage. His eyes barely open and an askew smile on his face. "Is he like always high?" Tina hissed to all of us.

"He's called Stoner Brett" I laughed back at her. I earned a few chuckles from everyone else for that one. Tina slouched back in her chair, probably plotting my death.

Well he didn't turn out so well when he...sang. Neither did De'Wanda Umber for that matter who just pop and locked instead of singing. She seemed to be busting out some White Chocolate moves though.

We were about fourteen auditions in before someone came out who looked like they knew what they were doing. "Hello sir, what's your name?" Mr Shue shouted down stage.

The African-American boy just simply spat back, "Jake" with a cocky smile. He was grinning to some girl sat at the front, she just awkwardly waved back.

"Got a last name Jake?" Mr Shue asked. Tina and Sugar were already taking notes on how attractive they thought that he was. Just because he looks handsome, doesn't mean he can sing.

Bad Blood (1) & Hearts Like Ours (2) & Vulnerable (3) [Glee Fanfiction/Sam Evans Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now