"Oh please. You sat there like a toddler begging for their candy back."


"Bullshit and you know it Barnes." he slumps down in his seat at my comment earning a laugh from everyone.

"Considering you got hit the hardest of us all, you can pick the movie tonight." he cheers up at Clint's comment.

"iRobot." I smile at his love for robot movies.

"I'm already up so I'll get the snacks and blankets." they all agree and fall into a conversation, no one was doing anything today and used this day to relax so we were all already dressed comfy so I made my way into the kitchen making popcorn as I went and collected a stack of blankets before placing popcorn into bowls and grabbing 2 bottles of water and 2 large bottles of fizzy drink and stacking it all on top of the blankets and stuffing some popcorn bowls under my arms and grabbing the rest with the blanket tower and carefully making my way to the living room.

Once I walked in they were too engrossed in a conversation to realise I had walked in somehow carrying all of this stuff.

"Guys! Help!" at my cry I feel people start to take things from me making it easier to walk and place down the now reduced stack of blankets.

"Thank you."

"Sorry Batman, we were too engrossed in our conversation." I brush him off before grabbing a bowl of popcorn, the 2 bottles of water and a blanket plonking myself to sit beside Bucky and wrapping the blanket around us with the popcorn between us and I hand him a water bottle.


"Drink, you haven't had a drink yet today." he rolls his eyes and snatches the bottle from my hand earning another smack on the head from me only this time he could rub the area.

"Would you quit doing that?"

"Until you stop rolling your eyes at everything I say, no. So drink." I watch him take a long sip before closing the water bottle.

"I only roll my eyes because you act like my mother and not my girllllll..." I widen my eyes at his almost slip up hoping he can save this.

"Girlllll best friend, supposed to be there for me not pick on every little think I'm doing." I breathe out hoping the others didn't find that too odd and I feel Bucky relax a little now too.

"Do you all think I'm mothering him?" they all avoid eye contact.

"Nat?" I know she is always blunt no matter who you are.

"Yeah, kind of are."

"Well regardless no one else is going to make sure you're taking care of yourself in your condition so I will."

"Yes MOM." I playfully hit him.

"Alright. Can we watch the movie now?" I hear Bruce call only just noticing he was here.


"Sorry." me and Bucky both reply and pretty soon after the movie starts and everyone properly relaxes down, I smile at the fact we're all pretty lazy people regardless of being trained ex-assassins and Avengers and ex-Hydra agents. Pretty soon I couldn't resist but to cuddle into Bucky and he didn't object as we had cuddled in front of them before during movie night and none seemed to mind much as they all ended up cuddling someone eventually. 

"Hey, Barnes." I hear a hum come from him.

"We've technically been dating 9 months right?"


"Okay, do you feel attached yet?" he looks down at me finally.

"I do. You?"

"Yeah but out of those 9 months we've only seen each other for 1 month of that and half a date. How can we feel so attached and normal in the relationship already?"

"Well, we were apart of Hydra together and had trained together, we got quite close on the Hydra front. Then there's seeing you again after a few years and it was as if an old friend was back and since then things were off and on until we got quite close as friends again then there was our first date when I realised what I had thought of you was attraction. And then that attraction grew on the second date. And then that 8 month period of not seeing you or being able to take you out again killed me and only made our bond feel greater cause it felt like losing something we didn't get a chance to have yet. Does that answer your question?" I stare at him for a few moments before smiling greatly.

"Yes it does. And if we weren't surrounded by everyone right now I'd kiss you for that."

"Don't say that cause now I wanna."

"Sorry." I turn to face the TV again only to feel his lips kiss the back of my neck for a few seconds and leave the cold skin and he goes back to watching the TV as well.

"Well that was a good pick for tonight." I nod at Sam as he stretches on the floor and I sit up from my position against Bucky and stretch myself only to turn and notice Bucky was asleep.

"He must still be tired from everything he went through." I state to no one in particular.

"Yeah but it won't help him sleeping there all night, someone needs to wake him." I nod at Bruce who yawns and helps up Natasha. Looking back at Bucky I start to shove and slap him lightly to be careful of his soreness and injuries still.

"Barnes." I whisper, nothing.

"James." A little louder, nothing.

"Bucky." Louder, nothing.

"Sarge!" I yell, bingo. He jolts awake before giving me a death stare.

"I would have let you sleep but Bruce said it wouldn't help your soreness and healing by sleeping there all night which means to your bed. Steve will go with you." I watch Steve's exasperated expression before silently pleading him with my eyes to which he nods at.

"Fine. I'll go but you're all so mean." I raise my eyebrows at his childishness.

"Is he drunk?"

"Or you know insane?" I laugh at Clint high-fiving him for that.

"It's the medication, it can cause him to be a little childish at points especially when tired."

"Ah that explains it. Alright Buck, come on." Bucky starts to get up with Steve's help and waddles off to go to bed as we all wish him a goodnight.

"Well I'm going to hit the hay." I state while standing.

"Hit the hay? What are you a farmer?" I poke my tongue out at Loki as he smirks back.

"Me and Wanda are staying in my room tonight if you wanna join."

"You realise you guys share a floor?"

"That's why you joining makes it make more sense." I laugh at Nat.

"Yeah I'll join." we start heading to the elevator to make it their floor until I see Bruce joining us just before the doors close.

"I hope you don't mind, I invited Bruce." I shake my head.

"Not at all, just not too sappy." she rolls her eyes.

"What? like you and Bucky?" I scoff.

"We are not sappy." 

"I beg to differ." I stare shocked at Wanda.

"I agree with her." 

"Bruce, I can't believe you betrayed me."

"Well when I walk in to check on a patient I don't expect to see him cuddling his girlfriend."

"Touché." pretty soon we get to their floor and all crowd Nat's room as we put Hunger Games on in the background, Nat resting against Bruce's chest as Wanda sits upside down with her legs resting against the headboard beside them and I laid on my stomach scrolling videos on YouTube all just sharing light conversations here and there.

Let Me Struggle With You | Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now