38 - ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ɴᴇᴡᴛ sᴀꜰᴇ

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。 ゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。We jumped off the train quickly my legs giving in slightly as I landed

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。 ゚┈୨♡୧┈
We jumped off the train quickly my legs giving in slightly as I landed. We looked forward to the see the front of train come to a stop themselves. Okay.

I turned to the side and placed my two fingers to my mouth a blew so I whistle sounded through the air. I saw my familiar blonde boy pop out from behind the rock in the distance.

"Newt!" Vince waved his hands in the air.

"Right, come on, let's go," I watched his turn lightly to the side and call for the others "Coke on!" He yelled as he ran over. Thomas headed to the side of the train, hitting of the carriages one by one waiting for someone to shout back. Newt ran towards me.

"You all right?" He asked me stepping closer to him

"Yeah," I breathed

"How's your leg?"

"Kills," I answered dryly.

"I found it!" Thomas shouted form the carriage

"That's my queue," Newt smiled placing his hand on my head and messing up my hair.

"Your so annoying!" I shouted to him as he ran off towards Thomas. He turned around and shrugged his shoulders innocently and disappeared behind the train. I looked back at the train to see about 30 guards in all black WICKED uniform.

"It's gonna be a close one," Vince spoke from behind me, I jumped slightly at his voice "Go to Newt, keep him safe," Vince pointed to behind the train. His words lingered in my mind.

Just like Winston's last ask of me. Keep Newt safe, and that's what I was going to do. I grabbed my bow and ran over to Newt crouching down against the train and loading an arrow, ready to shoot.

Thomas and Vince went to start the next phase of the plan while I stayed close to Newt. He was cutting the carriage away from the bottom of the train, attaching it the other carriages. Time was running out, the guards were getting closer.

"Newt, how's it going?" I asked impatiently not moving my eyes away from the guard or releasing the arrow.

"Don't rush me," he replied. I saw them getting closer and heard gun shots bounce off the top of the train.

"Shit," Thomas said from above. "Diana! Shoot them arrows!" He yelled

"All right!" I replied pulling tension against the string with my arrow and lining it up with a guards head. Funny, at the start of all the madness killing people was something I wouldn't of dreamed of doing and now I'm doing it like it's a walk in the park. I released the arrow and watched it hit the guard closest to the front, making him drop to the ground.

"Newt get up there!" I shouted to Newt as I pulled an arrow from bag quickly.

"Almost there," he replied. Vince jumped down now with a pistol and shooting at them to try and hold them off. I let my arrow go and watched another guard topple to the ground.

I heard a sound of metal fall the ground and I turned quickly to see Newt. "Newt, go!" I yelled to him

"Not without you!" He replied

"I'll be there! Just go!" He climbed up the ladder on the side of the train ducking from the guards shots. I released one more arrow and followed him up. I slid next to him laying flat on the top of the train.

"Where the hell are they?" Newt asked quickly

"I don't know," Thomas replied ducking fro a bullet. The others began to join us up top yet Vince stayed at the bottom shooting his pistol. Above us a gust of wind flushed through the air.

We glanced up with a big smile on our faces, the large hovercraft from not long ago. The doors underneath it split into two revealing a large hook slowly being lowered towards us.

The guards began to move quickly closer now understanding what had been going on. We hijacked the god damn hovercraft.

"Come on!" Thomas shouted

"Lower!" Added Newt as we stood up to retrieve the hook. Thomas jumped up grabbing on to it and grunting as he pulled it lower. Newt helped place the hook onto the carriage top as I shot my arrows trying to cover for Vince who I had no idea where he was.

The hovercraft's propellers began to get louder and stronger as it began to rise. "Vince!" I shouted.

"I'm here!" He replied from the back or the carriage I ran over to see him

"Get up here!" I told him as he stood for a moment before running out of his hiding place and gripping onto the ladder. I continued with my arrows my shots getting less accurate by the second as we rose from the ground.

We rose and rose and rose, my balance falling slightly and Newt noticed.

"Diana!" He shouted over the propellers. He was on the ground grinning onto the middle of the carriage. I went next to him quickly holding on to him as we began to move right.

Eventually, the guards stopped shooting and it felt as though we were safe. For the first time in forever, something worked out in our favour.

"We did it," I whispered to myself

"Hell yeah we did," Newt smiled. As the boys began to hug each other out of happiness, I was far too tired and my leg hurt to much. I rested my head onto Newt shoulder and shut my eyes. Desperate to get some sleep.

To give my body some rest, sure it was an odd place to sleep. I large hovering carriage held by four ropes and a hijacked hovercraft. But I had Newts shoulder and nothing else really mattered.

So I shut my aching eyes, released my body from all the tension and slept.

。 ゚┈୨♡୧┈
。 ゚┈୨♡୧┈

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