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。 ゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。-THIRD POV-Diana shone her light through the room her Frypan and Newt found

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。 ゚┈୨♡୧┈
Diana shone her light through the room her Frypan and Newt found. Frypan and Newt searched the front of the room while Diana headed to the back, she insisted on being herself.

She found a stack of books by what just have been used as a bed. She looked through them and found books like: World War Z, Mother Nature's Remedy's, The Hunger Games, a How To Survive manual and The Twilight saga. She grabbed the lot and continued looked around.

"So have you talked to Diana yet?" Frypan whispered.

"What about?" Newt asked knowing exactly what he was on about.

"About you're uh- 'Diana! I like you! I couldn't die without you knowing!' Frypan mocked

"Hey keep it down all right she'll hate me I don't even think she remembers,"

"Why would she hate you?"

"Because she does not like me that way. Gally said having unreciprocated feelings towards a girl was friendship ruining,"

"So? She likes you back why wait to ask that chick out?"

"She doesn't like me back," Newt scoffed seeping down a piece of his fluttered alive at even the ounce of hope.

"Oh really? And what give you thag impression? The way she can't stop looking at you or the way your always the first person she worries about or, or is it how she's always leaning on your shoulder or touching you in some way? Tell me please,"

"None of that means anything,"

"Does it not?"

"No it doesn't, all right? Right now we are good friends my feelings will ruin everything I can't have that,"

"But they could make things-"

"Stop, all right?" Newt finished

"All right then mate, but mark my words them feelings of yours shank ent gonna ruin shit," Frypan smirked Newt looked up at him with a weak smile and turned back to what he was packing.

Diana had only gotten further towards the back shinning her light left and right. She turned to the left of a new area. There were three people like creatures pale white skin standing in-front of her.

She panicked and kicked one with her left foot and gasped as it fell back the torso of it bouncing off the legs. She was shook for a moment before realising they were just mannequins.

"Bastards," she whispered. Weird, she's never said that word yet it just slipped out. She's only ever heard Newt say it so she assumed she got it from him.

"You all right?" Newt asked

"Yeah just- fucking mannequins man," they had stressed her out a lot and put her on a unnecessary edge.

"All right, don't go too far,"

"I... won't," she finished glaring at a pile of cloths. "Something there will do," she whispered heading over going through the cloths.

She found a small white top that had a zip from the chest all the way up to the neck. It was short but long sleeved with ahain thumb holes and a almost mesh material mapping the whole outside of it.

She assumed none could see her as she pulled her top off. Little did she known Frypan and Newt weren't far and could see the top of her torso.

Frypan noticed first doing a double take at the first girl in a bra he'd ever seen. Newt however had respect and noticed Frypan was distracted.

Sure Newt took a glance himself but he would never admit that. At least not around Diana anyways. He placed two fingers onto Frypans chin and turned his focus back to what they were packing.

Newt raised his eyebrows at him and Frypan had a guilty look plastered on his face.

"What?" Frypan asked innocently

"That's Diana, not a girl to stare at, Fry," Newt turned back to the box they were going through before glancing back up at Diana.

She had her top on now to Newts disappointment and was making her way back over.

"Hey look what I got," she announced dropping down next to the boys. She pulled the books from her bag and placed them in-front of the boys.

"World War Z?" Frypan repeated looking up at her.

"Yeah, I bet it's good. It by Max Brooks his name gives my Deja Vu,"

"What this manual?" Newt asked. She grabbed it and looked through.

"How to survive the Flare," she read

"What the bloody hell is the flare?" Newt questioned. Diana's eyes scanned the small book.

"It is a virus that slowly eats away the brain, eventually turning its victims into bloodthirsty and irrational humans who consider killing, torture, and cannibalism everyday objectives. It is known to mutate rapidly," she read slowly. "What the fuck?" she pushed the manual away from her.

"It's probably from a board game or something," Newt finished. They went to stand up to look at another room before something told him to grab it anyways. Maybe they'll find the game it goes with. He thought.


After walking around for a bit suddenly the lights in the place flickered on. It was shocking and almost scary until Newt realised what had happened

"Thomas and Minho must have found a generator. Here, turn your torches off if these run out of battery we can't see," he switched his own off and the others copied.

They found themselves back in the room they started in and waisted for Minho and Thomas with the others.

A deadly screech ran through the air. Far from anything human. It was high pitched and full of hunger and agony.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Newt asked the group

"I don't know," Frypan answered.

"Hey!" Thomas yelled from the other side. He was far away, him and Minho resembled small lines as they ran towards us "Hey!" Thomas yelled again

"Hi?" I yelled back in confusion. He shouted something else as he came closer waving his hands in the air.

"Is he alright?" Archer asked. They began to run. The familiar screech followed behind them. "Oh, shit," Archer began to run to rest of us closely following.

"Get outta here!" Minho screamed racing towards us. We picked up our pace. Adrenaline ran through their veins pulsing around their body.
。 ゚┈୨♡୧┈

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