022 - sᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ

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。 ゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。If wasn't long until we were all ushered awake by Thomas

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。 ゚┈୨♡୧┈
If wasn't long until we were all ushered awake by Thomas. Everyone was still half asleep by the time we were being dragged up a sandy hill.

"You all right?" Newt asked joining my side

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah," he nodded

"Could you hand me the manual?" I asked

"Sure," Newt dug through his bag before passing it to me. I began to read through squinting at the bright light as I read.

How To Survive The Flare
Unfortunately, the title is deceiving as we have yet to find a way of slowly let alone stopping the virus completely. But here's a few tips on avoiding it.

When hearing awful screeches or screams of pain and agony. Run. Some cranks will have ripped their eyeballs out meaning they can't see so staying very quiet in them situations work.

If the cranks find you depending on their hunger you will either be ripped apart (ideally) or in worse scenarios eaten alive or if their hunger is low you will go through the changing.

If someone that you know has been bitten please result to murder immediately. They are unsavable, keeping them alive keeps them in agony and puts you at only more risk.

"Anything useful?" Newt asked

"Uh- no," I lied and shut the manual. It made me want to be sick.

"What's been up with you lately huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well you just lied to me, you keep zoning out, you keep disappearing you know? What's up?"

"Nothing, I've just been stressed-"

"There you are again, lying. You back in the glade would have never lied, and you know that,"

"Well I'm sorry that I've changed," I said dryly

"I just wanna make sure your all right,"

"I know you do Newt, but I like to process things by myself first okay? I'll talk to you about it when I want to,"

"I'm here to talk you know,"

"I know," I said realising how sharp my tone has become "I know, sorry I didn't mean to like, sorry," I spoke softer

"It's fine, I understand. I... everyone's stressed, everyone's been acting differently,"

"I guess they have, hey you got a scratch on your face," I realised

"It's been there for ages D," he smiled

"Oh shit, I'm sorry. I've been so distracted I-"

"Diana it's fine, I knew you would stress yourself out over it so I didn't mention it,"

"I'm not stressing myself out,"

"Yes you are, I see you. You know? When you daze off into space. I know your thinking about every worst possible outcome,"

"That's not true,"

"Stop lying," he repeated. I took a deep breath. He was right

"I'm not lying to you," I whispered. "I'm lying to myself,"

"I know," he whispered back. I thought for a moment before I spoke

"You know Newt and i probably won't say this again. You mean a lot to me,"

"In what way?"

"I'm the way that your special to me. It scary all most, I hate it. Or well I pretend to,"

"You know D? And I'll probably say this again, your special to me too,"

"How am I special to you?" I asked almost surprised

"In the way that, your probably my favourite person in the history of ever," we laughed a bit.

We had been walking through the desert for hours, at some point I was walking with Teresa and Archer.

Unfortunately, we never found any kind of ruins for us to sleep in and we couldn't start a fire. Meaning we slept on the sandy floor in the freezing cold.

Yet although the others were cold, me and Newt decided it was, for temperature reasons only, to sleep rather close to each other, for the warm only obviously.

I could hear his heartbeat underneath my ear. It was rhythmic, and stable, it kept a constant pace and beat as it pounded in his chest. I began to count the intervals between each beat.

Boom. 1, 2. Boom. 1,2. Boom. And it continued. His right hand was deep into my hair his other down by his side. It didn't take me long to realise Newt was asleep by slowness if his heartbeat.

I fell asleep before I found a pattern in his new heartbeat.

"Get up," I heard a voice mumbled. I rose my head slowly, Newt copied in confusion. "Let's go," Thomas continued. I suddenly realised Thomas was turning around about to see me and Newt.

I immediately jumped from Newts body and jolted further away for him begging Thomas didn't see anything.

"Newt, get up come on. Let's go Frypan Aris," Thomas continued

"Thomas what the hell? It's still dark?" I asked confused.

"I see something," Thomas repeated. Newt had pulled himself up and stuck his hand out to me. I grabbed his forearm and he filled my up with much more forced than he needed.

I stumbled forward from his almost violent pull and landed against Newts body. I looked up at him his hand still wrapped around my forearm.

I was trapped in his gaze, this time the space between us was small. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would leap out into Newt. Our bodies were close together and I realised just how panicked I was. I didn't know what to do.

I drew my gaze away and took a breath before taking a step back and removing my hand from his grasp.

"You know, Newt. I think you forget how strong you can be," I told him, trying to erase the moment that was replaying in my head.

"I think you're just light," he shot back with a smile

"My point still stands," I answered before turning to Thomas "Now you better have a good reason-"

"Look," he said and pointed towards one of the hills. "It's lights," he breathed. And he was right. Lines lined the horizons, a good few too

"We made it," Archer whispered his sentences punctuated with thunder crackling behind us. The sky behind us light up with flashes of white in the sky.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning hit the desert far away.

"Come on let's go." Thomas said "Let's go!" He repeated
。 ゚┈୨♡୧┈

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