37 - ɪᴍ sᴏ ᴛɪʀᴇᴅ

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。 ゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。The car raced through the desert following the train

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。 ゚┈୨♡୧┈
The car raced through the desert following the train. Come on, come on, come on, I pleaded as my foot buried deeper and deeper onto the floor of the car against the peddle the speed increasing and accelerating.

The cars wheels flickered between on and off the train tracks giving up a bumpy ride throughout. "Brenda, we're right behind!" Thomas shouted into the walkie talkie over the loud constant revving of the engine. "Keep 'em busy!"

"Hang on!" I shouted to Vince and Thomas as I pushed even harder down onto the pedal. Fucking hell was it difficult to keep up with these god damn trains.

"This is crazy, Thomas!" Vince yelled

"Yeah but it might just work!" I shouted back defending Thomas. "Come on, Tom, get up there!" I yelled to him. I heard his seatbelt un click and watching him climb past me to the front of the car. He sat on the front with the hook in his hand as we raced behind the train.

"Get me closer!" He asked

"I'm trying!" I shouted as I pushed even harder onto the pedal. We began to catch up slowly, Thomas reached forward closer and closer. Before he hooked the hook train meaning I had to do less work, but I couldn't slack yet or give my damn good ankle a rest.

My thigh still killed, I was lucky to even be here with the high chances of infection and blood loss. I watched Thomas jump onto the train gripping to the ladder.

"Go on, Vince!" I told him. I watched him too follow Thomas footsteps hopping onto the train with ease.

"Come on, Diana!" Thomas motioned. This was the hard bit. I got the car as close to the train as possible before taking a deep breath and jumping from the seat. I climbed as past as I could put the car and onto the hood. The gap between them widening with every second.

Without thinking I lept forward... on to my bad leg. The shooting pain through my body was excruciating. My leg gave in and I braced myself for deadly impact of the speedy ground but after a few second I was just hanging in the air.

"I wasn't going to let my only sister die," Thomas smiled as he pulled me up onto the ladder.  "Let's go!" He shouted as he went to climb up the ladder

"Hey!" Vince stopped us, we drew our attention to him. "Burg!" He pointed to a familiar aircraft hovering towards us. We watched two large pieces of machinery shift out of the hovercraft.

"Hey, Brenda, you got company!" Thomas spoke down the walkie talkie. The machinery began to shoot forward towards the front of the train where Brenda and Jorge was.

Bright sparks ran through the air then large explosions closely followed. The amount of smoke and fire that covered the oasis on where they had driven was unimaginable.

Yet like a miracle the two revved their engine and drove out the smoke giving me a sense of relief. "Thomas, your on your own. Don't die," Brenda spoke into the walkie talkie

"Good luck!" He finished

"We gotta move, come on!" I yelled as I quickly made my way up the ladder, towards the top of the train.

We hopped from carriage to carriage across the train. Heavy breathing and weak legs. I had to make sure that I didn't put too much pressure on my thigh and when I jumped I pushed off my bad leg and landed on my good.

The plan was going correctly, things play out week now we should be okay. We can do it, please. Thomas slowed down slightly when we noticed five guards in all black in the distance were making their way on the train tops two.

"Fuck," I mumbled as we collected with Thomas looking between ourselves with some sort of direction on what to do. Vince suddenly swung down to the bottom of the carriage leaning down to where the next and this one met.

"Give me the bag!" Vince yelled. Thomas dropped a old rucksack down to him and we watched the guards make their way closer and closer.

"Come on," I told Thomas as I hopped down myself, he followed closely behind me. Thomas grabbed a pistol and stood in a stance pointing towards the top of the carriage ready to shoot as Vince began to unconnected the two carriages.

My eyes shot up at the sound of gunshots fired through the air. I looked at Thomas with an unamused expression. "Fucking hell, Thomas," I scoffed as I grabbed the pistol from his hands firing the shots at the guards not letting them bounce off the train.

"We're gonna do the explosives, it won't come loose!" Vince announced "We're set! Cover your ass!" He yelled. "Take cover!" I shot my last through shots before retreating onto the carriage with Thomas and Vince.

I climbed across the cold hard metal, adrenaline pumping through my body as shots from the guards bounced of the carriage. I was completely and utterly terrified. And I was so tried, my leg was killing.

I didn't know how much more of this running and fighting around I could do before I was forced to give up. I couldn't take all this anymore I was desperate for a break.

Yet this wasn't a time for breaks this was a time to survive, this was a time to protect and right now it was a time to watch some bastards in spandex who called themselves WICKED get blown the fuck up.

I tried my head to the side away from the loud and bright explosion. The sound of is echoing in my ears yet fading as the train infront kept going and the one I was on came to slow and steady stop.

I turned to Thomas with a tired and breathy expression.

We must keep going.
。 ゚┈୨♡୧┈

Maze Runner | NewtOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora