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Shen Fangyu immediately dropped the water and bread, and ran downstairs quickly while lamenting the good luck that Jiang Xu had brought him.

The car stopped at the entrance of the villa, and three people got off from it. Shen Fangyu immediately recognized Albert as the last one to get out of the car. The man's light brown hair was very recognizable. See the outline of his brows and eyes clearly.

Without any hesitation, Shen Fangyu rushed to the door of Doctor Albert, chased after him and called out his name.

Albert looked back in surprise, as if he hadn't expected that there would be someone near his villa at this time.

At the same time, the two men in black who got out of the car before him quickly took two steps in front of him, making a warning gesture.

"Who is it?" The two asked at the same time.

Seeing the movements of the three of them stop, Shen Fangyu slowed down, turned on the flashlight of his phone, and walked over step by step.

The moment he saw his face clearly, Albert exclaimed, "Shen? Why are you here?"

The two men in black exchanged glances, and Albert waved at them, "Don't worry, this is my friend from country Z."

After speaking, he pointed to the two men in black and introduced to Shen Fangyu, "This is my bodyguard."



Albert led Shen Fangyu into his villa, pointed to the sofa in the living room and said, "Sit down."

After the two bodyguards entered the door, one stood by Albert's side, and the other walked along each room to check the situation of the villa. Then the two looked at each other and retreated to the door together, leaving room for the conversation two doctors.

Albert glanced at the two bodyguards indifferently, leaned back on the sofa without any image, loosened his tie, and raised his legs.

Even so, Shen Fangyu could still see the haggard look on his face.

"You have been guarding my door?" Albert asked.

Shen Fangyu didn't go around in circles with him, and said straight to the point: "Yes, I came to ask you what happened after the live broadcast was interrupted."

"It's not like you anymore, Shen." Albert suddenly laughed twice, "This is the first time you chatted with me with such a clear purpose, I thought you should at least have a few pleasantries with me and ask me The recent situation, or rather, you should tell me that you came here because you were worried about me."

Shen Fangyu realized that he was indeed in a hurry and lost his temper. He paused, and was about to add something, but Albert said nonchalantly, "But it's okay, just treat it as if you came here for me."

"After the incident, I haven't seen my friends for a few days," he said.

"Originally at this time, there should be a celebratory reception here, and my friend who is a violinist will open a bottle of champagne for me." He spread his hands mockingly, "It's a pity that there is no reception, no champagne, and no violin."

Shen Fangyu looked at him and did not speak. Perhaps at this time, in front of a proud doctor, silence is the best comfort.

After a while, Albert finally let out a long sigh, put away his emotions, and threw three words at him, "It's a blood clot."

"Due to the compression of the fetus during pregnancy and the congestion of the organs, venous thrombosis formed in the patient's body. After the ovaries were removed, a large number of blood vessel reconnection processes led to further accumulation of thrombus. The anticoagulant drug dose we calculated in advance was not enough."

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