I-island (2)

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You are currently sitting at a lunch table with, Todoroki, Almight, and Melissa while being served by Mineta, Kaminari and Iida.

Melissa is the daughter of a friend Almight made during his time in America. He is not biologically related to her, but Almight relays on her dad for all his hero items so they see each other a lot. When she was young she started calling him uncle and they thought it was adorable so Almight is now her uncle. She lives on the island as family of one of the scientists, is attending one of the top science specialized schools, which is on this very island and is also quirkless. She is a very kind person and fun to talk to, so the conversation has yet to stall. You started by trying to keep Todoroki in the conversation, but he expressed no interest, so you started ignoring him the way you are ignoring Almight.

When you got here Mineta approached you to hit on Melissa, but Iida quickly reprimanded him.

The 3 of them are here to work during this week to accommodate the many people here for the I-expo. Apparently several different businesses on the island reach out to hero schools for the simple reasons that it easier because the schools already do background checks on the kids so it's easy to get them onto the island. (The island officials do extensive checks before letting anyone onto the island to avoid anyone trying to steal new tech or anything like that.)

There is an explosion and all of us look over to see smoke rising.

You and Todoroki jump to your feet and start running there with the other two close behind.

You run over to a domed room with a few people and a costumed girl with a microphone.

You relax; it's just some kind of event.

Bakugou is the cause of the explosions; he's jumping around and setting off explosions. Why is he here?

You and the others take a seat in the crowd beside Kirishima and all the girls as you try not to interrupt what is going on.

"Hi guys," you whisper to them as you take a seat.

"Wow," the girl says over a microphone as Bakugou stops moving, "That is the best score we've gotten!"

"That was so manly Bakugou!!!!" Kiri screams.

Bakugou looks up with his signature full of himself smile, then he sees you.

He flies up and grabs the railing in front of you, "Fight me!"

Immediately after the final exam you didn't really talk, but the next time you saw him and ever time after that he demands you fight him for some reason.


"Calm down Bakubro!"

"Who's that?" Looks like another round of introductions is in order.

You notice the way Kirishima looks at Bakugou while everyone is introducing themselves to Melissa; just like the way you used to.

Poor kid; he's fallen into Bakugou's toxic pattern. His raw chrism pulls people in, then he shows the slightest bit of affection whenever they are ready to leave so they're stuck. You know it well, you saw people at school fall victim to it and was trapped in it for years.

You can't let him become like you.

Todoroki goes down to try to beat Bakugou's score.

Everyone is busy watching him, so you tap Kirishima's shoulder, "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"What's up?"

"Come with me," you grab his hand and start walking away from the group with him so you can warn him without people overhearing.

Luckily no one notices as they are to busy gawking at how easily Todoroki beat Bakugou's time.

You find an empty room and turn towards him with a serious look on your face.

"What's wrong?"

"You have a crush on Bakugou, don't you?"

His face turns the color of his hair, "W-wh-what???? Nooooo way!" he finishes his lie with an awkward laugh avoiding eye contact.

"There's no need to lie, I get it," his head snaps towards you, "I grew up with him. I used to like him too."


"I just want to warn you about getting attached; don't. You'll just end up getting hurt."


"I'm sorry that I have to be the one to tell you this, but-"

"You're wrong!" you are shocked, "He is amazing once you get to know him. If you just try to get to know him instead of egging him on the way you've been doing all year you could be his friend too."

"I've known him my entire life. He's always been like this. He does not care about you," to him you are nothing more than a stepping stone to his goal. Something to first check and make sure is sturdy then walk all over it.

"Bakugou would never do that!"

"He has, over and over again," you try to keep your voice calm.

"Y-you're just lying! You have been messing with his mind since the first day of school. If he did anything to you it was because you attacked him first."

Kirishima's words hit like a sucker punch; you barely manage to keep a reaction off your face.

You can feel yourself breaking; it's only a matter of time before it starts, the crying, the cage your mind becomes; you need to get out of here before that happens.

You bow your head forward to hide the tears in your eyes, "You're right, I'm sorry," and with that you turn and speed walk away.

He doesn't try to stop you.

Once you are around a corner you look for a place to hide, so you can break without other people seeing the deku that you are the way Kirishima just did.

You find a supply closet and hug yourself inside it with your knees to your chest.

He's right, it was all your fault.

You did something to make him hurt you.

Oh god! You don't even know what you did. What else have you done that people like Bakugou haven't called you on?

You are a sucky person.

You don't deserve to be at UA. You don't deserve to have friends. You don't deserve to be happy.

Tears fall onto your pants as you chock down sobs.

You shift and feel the knife you always have on you.

Cut; it will stop this.

Just one cut; it can't hurt.

Sorry Bakugou. Sorry Mom. Sorry Almight. Sorry for being a Deku. Sorry for not being good enough. Sorry dad for ruining your life. Sorry to all the people that you have convinced of your goodness.



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