USJ (1)

426 13 2

You sit in a bus with your classmates and stare out the window while trying to ignore the overwhelming fear inside you. You woke up this morning feeling great, but the second Iida assured you onto the bus anxiety has crushed you.

Everyone is just hanging and having fun, but not you.

You have never experienced something like this before. Something must be wrong.

You toon out the conversation around you.

What could go wrong?

Aizawa hasn't told you where you are going. All you know is that you are wearing your hero costume. That means this is probably some sort of training. Why would that be dangerous?

Bakugou could try to kill you?


One of your support items could malfunction?

No, you've been practicing with all of them.

The grappling hook thing works just fine. You've been practicing with both of them. They look like a bracelet with tendrils going around your hand and a 3 pronged umbrella without plastic. You can use it to swing across huge areas.

The modified weapons you used during the entrance exam work too. They have the same automatic retrieval as the 2 grappling hooks attached to your arms.

The first aid kid and extra strong capture tape work too. The capture tape is at least at strong as the nylon your costume is padded with.

It can't be something wrong with your costume or a classmate.

Not a classmate, someone else might show up. You don't know where you're going, but a villain might. A villain could have easily slipped in with the news the other day and get the information on where ever you're going.

A villain attack?

Yeah, that sounds right.

The bus slows down.

It stops while facing a huge domed building with the letters USJ written on it.

"Today all of you will get some basic rescue training," Aizawa says as you all file out of the bus.

Upon leaving the bus the feeling of anxiety still hangs over you.

You can feel your heart beating, ticking down the seconds until... Something happens.

You walk inside, oblivious to the people around you.

"One of the other UA staff will be in charge. Meet 21," he motions to a hero inside the room.

21: Rescue hero with a quirk called black hole.

They (21) begin to explain how today will work, but you don't hear the words. You are focused on a small spot in the courtyard underneath the entrance you stand on.

That's where it will happen.

You keep staring at the spot as the anxiety begins to lesson.

Your heart beat slows.

A purple hole grows across the spot you are looking.


This doesn't feel real.

No one else has noticed yet.

You must be imagining this.

The swirling purple hole reveals a multitude of people.

"Villains," you hear Aizawa say.

You look towards Aizawa.

"Make a run for it," 21 says.

"I'll take care of the ones down there," Aizawa says.

He jumps away.

Eraser Head: Underground hero with a nullifier quirk.

He uses the capture scarf to start fighting the many villains.

You stare as the person who teleported them all here as he starts to disappear.

You look up towards the entrance and there is the misty person.

You don't have time to react.

You don't have time to do anything.

Bakugou and Kirishima are attacking the teleporter.

It isn't going to work.

The villain can just teleport them away, you have to warn them.

You open your mouth to yell, but it's to late.

The 2 disappear in the mist.

These villains don't care if we are alive or dead, so this one will transport them somewhere for them to die. A war zone, off a cliff, in the middle of the ocean, it doesn't matter. It's too late. Those 2 are dead.

The ground under you gives way and you look down. A swirling purple portal is under you.

Try to grab onto the ground, but the portal just grows so there is no ground to grab.

Looks like you're going to die too.

You close your eyes as you fall into the portal.

Maybe you dying here is for the best.

You wait for death, but instead you hit water.

They must have dropped you in the ocean.

What to do now?

Something wraps around your waist and you are pulled away.

You catch sight of Asui before you are flung into the air.

You get a look around.

You are still in the USJ?

This is the water area, you could see it from the entrance.

You and Asui land on the boat.

Mineta is here to.

You sit cross legged and start thinking of a plan.

The teleporter's quirk must not be able to transport very far, which would mean the villains started out close by. That would also mean that if they retreat acting fast is the best chance of catching them.

That teleporter is definitely the most dangerous villain here.

Aizawa can probably take care of them, but he's busy with other villains.

They might have just spread out the students because they need hostages. That would explain why so many villains are present. They need the number advantage.

Either way, you need to deal with the immediate villains around.

You stand up and look over the edge of the railing.

All of them are in the water, some with obvious water based quirks. They are staring back at you.

You do a head count of the ones you can see.

7 on the surface of the water, probably more underneath.

Running isn't an option with the teleporter guarding the exit. Plus there were so many villains that pretty much anywhere you go you'll run into them. And they'll just follow you.

That leaves fighting or hiding.

Heros protect not hide.

Mineta and Asui can do whatever they want to, but you never run from a fight.

Speaking of Asui, they don't know any of our quirks.

She has a water based quirk, if they know that she would have been sent somewhere else.

That leaves some interesting possibilities.

You could make them think anything if you play your cards right.

Reborn as an Anime Protagonistحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن