The Almight-y Asshole

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Having dinner with All Might.

Your younger self would be freaking out, but you aren't, because you know what an asshole he is.

It started out with awkward silence while Inko was in the kitchen for like 10 minuets while she somehow made dinner in that short of a time.

Single mom's have super powers. They kinda have to.

After the food was done you all sat at the table.

Inko was trying to keep both you and All Might in the conversation, but after a while it just got weird.

You weren't really talking, because you don't want that jerk to know anything about you. After a while your mom gave up on keeping you talking. After that it just turned to them flirting.

Now he's about to leave.

"You raised a wonderful kid Midoriya."

"Please call me Inko!"

"Oh, then you can call me Toshinori."

"I hope to see you again soon."

"Me too."

He starts walking away and the door is closed.

You know the look on your mom's face. That's the face she makes when she likes a guy. Over the years it's how you know she met an A-hole, because she has awful taste. Apparently it started long before she met your biological father.

You need to go threaten him, because you don't want to deal with someone like him, especially concerning your mother.

"He forgot his wallet," you say before walking out the door and jogging after him.

You reach the walking skeleton pretty easily.

"All Might," he turns around and you poke him in the chest, "I'm going to have to deal with your bull shit at school, but there is no fucking way I'm letting you fuck with my mom, so leave her the fuck alone."

"... What happened to you?"

Your mind flashes through all the things that you used to put up with, "I don't listen to the A-holes that tell me my dreams are impossible because I lack a genetic trait."

"I know it's hard to be quirkless. I was once quirkless too."

You let out a snort, "You can't be serious!"

"I was born without a quirk and then I was given this one and I want to pass it on to you."

"That's not possible."

"Yes it is. The original quirk was the ability to pass it on, and gain power with each new user it gets."

"... Seriously?"

You feel the need to say yes.

"Yeah. It's called One For All."

"... So you're a fucking hypocrite!"

"What do you mean?"

"You were quirkless and you became the number 1 hero, and proceeded to tell me to give up on being like you!"

You could use a quirk to help you.

"I didn't think you were an appropriate vessel for the quirk, but you proved me wrong."

Once you prove him wrong he comes to you! Maybe you should take advantage of this.

"Fuck you. I'm going to be a hero without your fucking quirk. I don't need the help of a bitch like you," or maybe you do.

"Think about this logically. How could someone without a quirk become a hero? There is no way. You aren't going to make it without my quirk."

You laugh at him, "I don't want to be a hero like you! Someone who tells their fan that their dreams are impossible and leaves them alone on a roof!"

He just stares at you.

You turn and leave him there to stew in his thoughts.

Once you get back to your apartment, Inko talks to you for a while. She tries to get you to say why you were being so quiet. Your excuse was that you were tired. It didn't fool her, but she didn't push it.

Now you are in your room on the floor curled up in a ball trying not to cry.

All Might was quirkless. He knows what you're going through and he still thinks you can't be a hero. Maybe you really can't be?

If you were wrong about that you could be wrong about everything else!

Maybe Bakugou isn't as bad as you think he is and you've just been being an asshole for no reason.

Maybe all that's been motivating you is spite.

Maybe you aren't the good person you think you are.

Maybe you deserve everything that you've been through.

Maybe you were just born wrong. You still remember the day your father left.

Maybe he was right about you.

Maybe they were all right about you.

You can't stay sitting.

You get up and go to the bathroom.

In the shower Inko won't be able to hear your sobs and worry, at least it has always worked in the past.

You turn on the shower and start pacing.

You are fighting a loosing battle.

You were wrong about everything!

You can't be a hero!

You can't do anything right.

Everyone would be so much better off if you had just never been born in the first place!

Your better off dead.

Shut up!!!!

You force yourself to take a deep breath.

You haven't done anything wrong, but be born.

You are like everyone else, you splash water in your face, if you are going to blame yourself you have to blame other people or you're a hypocrite and you hate hypocrites.

Another deep breath.

You can be a hero.

It's like your history books. People raised being told they can't do something won't, but not you. You'll over come everything. You'll be perfect. You won't give anyone reason to worry about you. You'll apologize to Almight and Bakugou and be perfect Izuku. You'll stand up for yourself, but you won't initiate fights.

You'll be perfect, because a quirkless hero has to be if they want to be as good as everyone else.

You'll be the example.

But not here.

When you're alone you can be... Wrong.

Alone you can be the angry, selfish, sad person you really are. No one else can see this part of you, because then you'll be less than the rest of them.

You stare at yourself in the mirror.

Perfect hero's don't dress to scare.

You take out the stud earrings you always wear and shove it in a drawer.

At UA things will be different.

You'll be perfect.

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