A Conversation

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Everyone disperses after Aizawa is done teaching on that first day of school.

You follow Bakugou off of school property. He doesn't even realize until you get up close to him. Not a very good thing for a pro hero.

It would be so easy to just attack him right now.

What are you thinking?!

"Bakugou!" you are a little less than a block behind him.

He turns around, sees you, and starts walking faster.

"Bakugou I need to talk to you!" you jog towards him.

He keeps speed walking away, but he doesn't start running, so you catch up to him.

You stop jogging once you're close to him.

You walk up to his side.

He doesn't stop.

"Since you almost killed me, I think it's fair for me to ask you not to tell anyone at UA that I'm quirkless. Got it?"

He stops suddenly and whispers, "Who are you?"


He turns toward you, "Who the fuck are you?! Deku would have never gotten into UA. Deku never would be able to beat me, so you have to be someone else."

"You're right. Deku wouldn't be where I am, but I'm not Deku. Deku is the kid who just sat there, because they thought you didn't mean the things you said and I'm not that idiot any more," you step towards him, trying to make him take a step back, but he doesn't, "Deku is dead. I'm Izuku Midoriya, and I won't take anyone's shit anymore especially not yours."

He shoves you away from him, "You will always be Deku. No matter what you do."

You clench your fist as you try not to punch him.

Deep breaths.

You have to be perfect.

"I'm sorry Bakugou, but you are mistaken. I have changed a lot since you last talked to me and am no longer the kid you grew up with."

"Bull shit! You're just pretending! You'll show your true colors eventually! When that happens I'll be there to watch you lose everything!!!!"

You can't punch him.

Deep breaths.

Deep breaths.

He's just trying to make you give up.

Deep breath.

He's wrong.

You can be the first quirkless hero.

He laughs at you, "Look at you! Trying to get back into character! I wish we were at school, so everyone else could see the Deku that you are."

Breath in.

Breath out.

Breath in.

"You probably cheated to get a better score than me during the entrance exam, but don't worry you'll never be able to beat me again!"

Breath out.

You're calm.

"It will keep happening for the rest of your hero career. I work far harder than you or anyone else in that class, and it will pay off when I get first over and over again. You'll see."

He shoves you back with an explosion.

This time you don't plan on almost dying.

You turn the fall to a roll. It makes it so you can easily stand up the second you stop moving.

He comes at you again with a, "DIIIEEE!"

You simply move out of his way, "You tell anyone I'm quirkless and I tell them you told me to kill myself and than almost did it yourself."

You stop hearing him moving behind you.

"They'll never believe you."

"I still have clothing covered in burns from you. The scar on the back of my head. I even have the notebook you destroyed last year and a picture of what you and the rest of the class did to my desk on my birthday 3 years ago," you turn and glare him down. The desk thing was something... fun that happened. You weren't expecting it. You invited the whole class over to your house for a birthday party. No one showed. You confronted them about it the next school day. The following day you got to school to find things written on your desk. Some on sticky notes. The teachers didn't care and made you clean it up so you ended up reading ever hurtful word.

"... You're a psychopathy!"

"And you're a narcissist with anger issues. So what do you say about my agreement?"

"... Fine."

"Good. Now have a lovely day and see you tomorrow."

You keep looking at him from the corner of your eye as you walk away, just to make sure he doesn't try anything.

You keep walking for about a block before you start running. You need to go somewhere secluded to break down. You can feel it coming. The thoughts start bombarding you as you look for somewhere to hide.

No one can like you for who you really are.

You're so messed up!

Using things people did in the past to make them do what you want.

You are a manipulative little bitch that can't do anything right.

How can you truly change yourself?

Deku isn't dead. You are still him, and you don't want to be!

How do you kill the person you used to be?

You can't stab Deku. You can't just ignore him. He'll always be there in the back of your mind.

You find an empty alleyway and duck inside. You go behind the trash can as the tears start falling.

You slap yourself, "knock it off," you whisper aloud as you try to silence the demons in your brain.

Your hands clench over your ears.

You are a good person, just not good enough to be a hero without a quirk.

If you make mistakes, if you are human you won't be good enough, but otherwise you are good enough. Being Deku isn't bad, provided you're alone.

Being Deku is-has to be good enough for you. Only for you.

If only when you're alone you have to be okay with being Deku, because that's who you are and that will never change.

Breath in.

Breath out.

Everything's okay.

Breath in.

Breath out.

Everything really is okay.

Reborn as an Anime Protagonistजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें