Entrance Exam (1)

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Today's the day of your exam and you are currently staring at your wardrobe. Since you got your new hair cut, your mom has been teaching you about fashion.

You didn't originally look good with the undercut, but once you pierced your ears and started wearing chokers it looks pretty good on you. You still think your hair would look better as a different color, but the color you thought would be perfect brings up bad memories. Your dad had black hair, and though it would look good on you, it would remind Mom of everything that could have been.

You can't wear any dangling stuff today, cause your opponents could use it against you.

Your usual training stuff would work, but you might meet some of your new classmates and that wouldn't make a good impression.

What about one of your graphic T's with shorts?

Yeah, that will look good, plus it has pockets. No particular reason you need them, but it's always nice to have a place to put stuff.

What about jewelry?

Choker and stud earrings?

It would have to be a loose chocker since you'll be doing physical activity, but that should work.

Real quick authors note about his wardrobe because I don't know how to incorporate this into the story is a way that doesn't make what I'm doing obvious.

Izuku only cuts his hair into an undercut once, so throughout the story his hair will be constantly growing back like how he is getting more comfortable being himself, since I don't think that hairstyle fits him. In a similar wavelength, he stops putting on jewelry everyday, unless it's something like an earring that he can wear pretty much all the time.

You get dressed and got out of your room to find Inko pacing.

"What's wrong Mom?"

She hugs you, "I'm so proud of you for even trying Izuku!"

She doesn't think you can be a hero, but she's trying. It's what makes your mom such a good person, unlike most other people.

You hug her, "I'll call you once it's over, now you should get to work."

"Once I get home we are doing something special!"

"That sounds great Mom."

"Do you want me to give you a ride on my way to work?"

"It's in the other direction. I'll just walk there."

"Are you sure? It's pretty far."

"That's why I'm going to go now and not later."

"We're going at the same time, you sure you don't want me to just drop you off?"

"I'm sure Mom. Now get going or you'll be late."

"You're going to do great Izuku."


You start walking towards the door, "Don't forget to call me!"

"I won't."


"Bye Mom!"

You close the door and get ready to run all the way to the place the exam will be held.

You start running.

Whatever happens you WILL pass this exam. You have to. There is no other choice.

You get to the place and your heart starts racing.

Calm down.

No need to be nervous, you have been preparing for this for years!

You've got this Izuku!

Your internal prep talk causes you to trip over your own feet.

You put your hands out to brace yourself, but you don't feel the ground.

You open your eyes, which you had reflectively closed, to find yourself floating.

"Sorry," a female voice says, "I didn't ask if I could use my quirk on you, but I don't think you mind, given the circumstances."

"Thank you so much..."

"Uraraka, Uraraka Ochako."

You offer your hand as you are now standing, "Midoriya Izuku."

She shakes your hand, "I've got to go," she runs off.

Wait... You just talked to a girl without making a fool of yourself. Score.

You start walking again.

When you get in you can't help, but notice that the seat they put you in is right next to Bakugou.

You've seen him a few times since the incident, but he has been avoiding you too.

You take your seat.

It is really awkward. You feel the need to talk just to fill the silence, but Bakugou is on the other end of that awkwardness.

Present Mic comes up onto the stage.

You lean forward in your chair.

He's really awesome!

He has a radio show that you listen to, he's a pro hero, and he teaches at UA. His quirks really cool too! It makes him loud enough to break glass and stuff like that.

Of course, he is a hero and probably thinks someone like you doesn't deserve to be here.

"Welcome listeners! I'm sure you're all wondering how we will measure your physical ability! Can I get a yeah?"

No one gives him a yeah so he continues, "Well, you will all be put in an area with robots. There are 3 different kinds, each with a different difficulty and point value. Make sense?"

One of the people in front of you raises his hand.

"What's up?" Present Mic asks the student.

"It says here that there was 4 types of for villains. I would think that UA wouldn't make a mistake like this!"

"There is a forth type of villain, but it's not worth any points. It's just an obstical. Thanks for reminding me!"

"Also that kid," he turns and points at you, "Has been mumbling the whole time. It is very distracting."

"Oh-I- Sorry," you look at your feet. You hadn't even realized you were thinking aloud.

"Thank you," Iida sits back down.

"Under your seat you'll find a card telling you where to go for the exam."

You get yours.

It gives you a location, a start time and an end time.

You should be able to pass this.

The test will last 30 minutes.

You'll be fighting robots, so the throwing knifes should work just fine. Find the weak point and stab them. Since they're fake villains, chances are they will have a neck like structure. That should be the best place to attack, but if not you have 30 minutes to figure it out and collect points.

The robots have values of 1,2 and 3. You'll look for exposed wires to cut when fighting them and that should take them down.

People next to you are getting up so you follow them.

Bakugou is going in a different direction than you. That's good.

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