New Style

510 15 1

You open your eyes to find that Bakugou is gone.

The sky is darker than you remember.

You sit up. The change in position makes you a little light headed.

There is something wet on the back of your head.

You touch it and bring your hand back to see a red liquid.

You're bleeding.

It's probably from you having your head lifted up when he delivered his classic face explosion and you hit the ground hard enough to make it bleed.

Wasn't someone else here?

Bakugou, how'd you forget that?

That's not like you.

Chances are Kacchan just gave you a concussion.

You pull your phone from your pocket and dial 911.

The operator picks up, "Hi. What's your emergency?"

"I fell and know I can't think right. I think I might have a concussion."

"How bad do you think it is?"

"No idea. It's on the back of my head and I'm nowhere close to my house."

"Where are you? I'll send an ambulance to take you to a hospital."

"Yeah. That sounds good. I'm just behind Aldera Junior High."

"They're on their way just stay there."


"What's your name?"

"Izuku Midoriya."

"And you go to the school you are near?"


"How did you get the injury?"

If you tell her that you got into a fight you won't get into UA.

"I fell backwards and somehow my head hit the ground and now it's bleeding."

"How bad is the bleeding?"

You lift up your hand and touch the wound again. It feels numb now. You pull the hand back to see it's covered in blood.

"My hand is covered in blood."

"Take off your shirt and put it to the wound and keep it it there."


"Head injuries bleed a lot and we don't want you passing out from blood loss."

"Good idea," you do as you were told.

"The ambulance is almost there."

"Wait... I don't have enough money to pay for a hospital. I should just go home."

"No, no. Don't do that. As long as you have insurance you'll be fine."





You feel like you're floating.

Something is on your hand.

You open your eyes only to be blinded by white.

It takes a second before you realize you are in a hospital room.

You try to sit up, but just trying makes you very light headed so you relax again into the pillow on the hospital bed you are laying on.

Why are you here?

Reborn as an Anime ProtagonistWhere stories live. Discover now