Entrance Exam (2)

428 16 0

You are standing outside the area you will be fighting robots with many other examiner's.

You notice the girl from earlier.

What was her name?


The kid that asked about the 0-pointers is here to.

A speaker buzzes and Mic's voice comes on, "The exam starts now."

No one is moving.

"Get going!"

Everyone starts rushing in, you alongside them.

The first ones are taken down.

If you stay with them as a group you won't be able to get any points.

You duck into an alley.

There's a ladder leading up to the top of the building.

That should make finding the robots easier. Plus you'll be able to examine them and find their weak points before attacking. And when you do attack they won't see it coming, so you can be effective. You can use the rope attached to the knifes to get up and down quickly.

Once you get on the roof tops you start running away from where everyone else is.

You don't want to risk people stealing your points.

You jump over a gap between 2 buildings and see a robot in that gap.

You look back down.

It's a 2 pointer.

It seems to be inactive but doesn't look to have an damage on it. The wires openly sticking from it's neck unit look unharmed, and this is to far for people with a quirk that could do this to get without you seeing them.

Chances are, since the exam is 30 minutes long the robots either don't activate until someone finds them, or at a certain time. It might be both. Either way you should just cut the wires on this one.

You use one of your 2 throwing knives as a grappling hook and plop into its head. You twist the rope around the railing, with the knife at the end, so it holds under pressure, but is easy to unravel once you're back up here.

It starts moving.

Yep, just what you expected.

A single slice through the wires and it's down.

Luckily is doesn't shock you, of course you only realized it might after you had done that.


You climb back onto the building and start looking for another one.

You come to what appears to be a main road. Many robots, but most are already broken and students are fighting the rest of them.

You turn around and start running again.

You find another one in a alley. This foe villain is only worth 1 point, but it goes down just as fast as the 2-pointer.

More running. You run a lot, but you are staring to feel the burn in your legs.

It's been 5 minutes and you have 3 points. Not good.

You hear a shout, "Help!"

Your instincts kick in and you run towards it.

It's another contestant. The robots is buried under rubble, but so is one of the kids legs.

You climb down.

You run over to the guy, "Are you okay?"

You start pushing the rubble away from the person.

They look surprised, "Why are you helping me?"

You mind flashes back to the first time you stood up to Ka-Bakugou. You did it to protect someone else.

"Hero's help people," you grunt as you push a big piece of rubble off of them.

"Do you think anything's broken?" you help them up.

"I think I'm good."

"Okay, bye," you run back over to where your rope is still dangling from the building and start climbing back up.

Before you run off you look back to find the person looking at you confused.

You ignore it and start running.

Next you find 2 3-pointers cornering a different student. One of them is almost done, but the other one looks to be in mint condition.

You jump down and take down the undamaged one.

You leave the other one to the student that had been fighting it.

You get back on the building and start running again.

10 minutes left, 6 points.

A group of 4 robots. 2 1-pointers, and one of either remaining point ranges. 3 students in total fighting them, but they have turned on each other.

None of them were fighting the robots so you managed to get all, but the 3 pointer.

7 minuets left, 10 points.

A mostly broken 3 pointer alone on the street.

5 minutes, 13 points.

The entire place begins to shake. At first you think it's an earthquake, then you see a huge robot emerge about a block from where you are.

People are screaming.

You hear the world 'help' and you're running towards it.

You see Uraraka trapped under a rock to big for you to easily move with the monstrosity of a robot looming over her.

"I'm stuck!" she calls out.

You don't have time to save her. You have to go for the foe villain.

How do you take care of that huge robot?

It's almost twice as tall as the building you are standing on

You can use the knife to grab onto it and climb up to it's neck, where you can already see the exposed wires.

It's takes a step closer to her and you forget the plan.

You run and jump.

You hit the robot hard.

"Shit," you mutter as you get a grip on it.

It moves closer to the building.

If you stick here you'll be squished between the building and this thing.

Your heart starts racing again and you climb for your life towards its head.

It crashes into the building, but you are higher than the railing.

You keep climbing towards the exposed wires on its neck.

You get there.

You grab them all and bring the knife to it.

The first cut gets about half way through it.

On the second cut you accidentally touch the inside of a wire.

It feels like you've just been tased.

You momentarily loose control of your body.

You're falling.

The knife is still in you hand.

You stab the robot you just deactivated.

It slows you.

You take the other knife from where it is hanging in your waist and stab it again.

This one gets you to stop.

You stab the first one again so it's actually stuck.

Then you breath in a sigh of relief.

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