I'll intern with...

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Wow, they really did that.

You look at the podium where the top 3 competitors stand, or in Bakugou's case are tied to a pole. That has to be illegal. You can't just restrain a kid on national television to give him a trophy. It's Bakugou, but that is to unethical. Maybe all hero's suck, not just the top ones.

You watch as Tokoyami gets his metal first. You manage not to laugh when he gets shoved into Almight's armpit.

Next up is Todoroki, he doesn't get a hug. Probably because he's Endeavor's kid and the hero just assumes he gets along with his father.

Finally there's Bakugou. He's so stupid. He's not going to get any internship offers if the hero's see him acting like that.

You are going to go find Todoroki after this and get his number so you can be his friend and get him to sit with you at lunch. You really want to give him some ideas on how to fully take advantage of his quirk. Both sides, but if he still doesn't want to use the fire you won't complain.

You pull out your phone and see a text from Iida; it says that he's sorry he couldn't be there.

Why did he have to leave?

You hope he's okay.

Uraraka said it was a family thing, did his brother get hurt/killed?

Ingenium is his brother, so it would make sense.

What should you text him?

'I don't know what's going on with your family thing, but if you ever want someone to talk to about it I'm here.'

Yeah, that works.

You press send and the message goes through to Iida.

You'll do a little research about Ingenium once you get home.

People are staring to filter out and the arena, so you leave your seat to go find Todoroki.

When you find him you put an arm around his shoulders making him jump, "Hi!"

"Hello Midoriya," he says.

"We're friends now, right?"

"... If you want."

"Can I have your number?"

It sounds like you're hitting on him.

"Sure," he says with a shrug.

You smile and pull out your phone, "What is it?"

He gives you the number and you text him a hello.

"I have to go," he says, "See you at school Midoriya."

"I can't wait!"




"As you know the internship offers are starting to come in," Aizawa says, "But before you can actually choose who to intern with you have to choose a hero name," he pulls out his sleeping bag, "I'm not good at that sort of thing so Midnight will be teaching the class today." He slips into his sleeping bag and fall to the ground as Midnight walks into the class.

"Each of you will write your hero name on one of these whiteboards," she gives a stack to each of the people in the front, "Once I approve the name you can have some free time."

You get your whiteboard and pass the rest behind you.

What should your hero name be?

Back when you were a kid you came up with hundreds of ones that you would never consider now.

Tsu raises her hand.

"Done already?" Midnight says.

"Ribbit, yes."

"Come up and share with the class then."

Tsu stands up and walks over to the podium, "I have been thinking of this as my hero for a while now."

She turns her board around revealing her hero name, "I will be the Rainy Season hero: Froppy."

"I like it; it's short and easy to remember."

"It's a really manly name!" Kirishima says.

"I love it!" Mina says.

"Great choice!" Uraraka says with a smile.

"Thanks guys," she goes back to her seat.

You should choose a name that lets everyone know who you are like Tsu did. Her name shows that she is cute, approachable, weird and has a frog based quirk.

What do you want people to know about you as a hero?

You want the villains to fear you, the civillains to trust you, the other heros to look up to you and to be a good role model to kids like Almight pretends to be. That can't be condensed into a single word.

Uaraka goes up now, "Uravity!"

She has a good name. It shows her quirk and represents how she is becoming a hero to lift the weight of responsibility her parents have to deal with.

Kirishima, "Red Riot!"

Another good one; it shows his passion, determination and his toughness.

The names continue like that each having a meaning and message for the world until only you, Bakugou, Todoroki and Iida are left.

Bakugou's name got rejected and now he's stewing in his anger.

You have a name now.


It makes people more likely to underestimate you, makes you seem humble, and it shows who you really are under all the pretending.

"That one's fine," Midnight says.

Todoroki raises his hand and gets called to the front.

He sits with your group at lunch now.



He wants his name to show that he isn't his father, that he's just himself. That's character development if you ever saw it!

He sits back down.


Poor Iida.

His brother was paralyzed after being attacked by the Hero Killer Stain. (That's where he went during the Sports Festival a few weeks ago)

You assumed he would take his brothers name, but I guess he still needs some time before he's ready for that.

He's been distant ever since it happened and you don't know how to help him.




Aizawa walks in with a stack of papers.

"Internship offers are here," he says, "Who wants to pass them out?"

You offer to pass them out so you can get a basic look at who offered to internship with who.

Once they're all passed out people are already bragging about who asked them.

You only got 4 offers, even though you almost beat a finalist.

3 of them are names you don't even recognize, but the 4th makes you stare.

Why the heck would Mirko give you an internship offer?

The Bunny Hero: Mirko. Ranked as the 8th best hero in Japan and is the top ranked female hero. A quirk that gives her aspects of a bunny. Also known to the public as the impulsive hero, because of her often doing things without thinking about the consciences and always being in trouble with the hero commission.

She's the only good option so of course you're going to intern with her, but you'll have to ask why she offered once you're there.

Reborn as an Anime ProtagonistWhere stories live. Discover now