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Today is your first day at your new school.

Inko already gave you a tearful goodbye and now you are approaching the monster of a school.

UA is huge! It towers above the world with at least 20 stories.

Looking up at it you feel oddly... sad, because the second people find out you don't have a quirk things will be the same.

You can't let them figure it out.

You'll go to Bakugou after school and ask him not to tell anyone. Until then you'll just have to hope for the best.

You sigh and walk into the school.

3 years here than you'll be a hero and no one can question your worth anymore.

Where is your class again?

It takes a while, but you find the class before it starts.

You walk inside and the kid that asked the question walks up to you while you are in the doorway.

"I saw what you did during the entrance exam. I just wanted to personally tell you what a good job you did."

"Thanks... I'm sorry, but I don't think I ever got your name."

"Tenya Iida! Pleasure to meet you," he offers his hand.

You shake it, "My names Midoriya."

"Midoriya!" you look behind you to see Uraraka.

"Hi again. Glad to see we're in the same class."

Iida offers his hand to her, "I'm Tenya Iida! Pleasure to meet you. I saw you during the entrance exam."

She shakes it, "Hi Iida, I'm Uraraka."

"Get to your seats," someone behind you says.

You look over to see an adult in a yellow sleeping bag.

"Who are you?" Iida asks.

"Your teacher."

Just like that everyone is magically in their seats.

Somehow yours is right behind Baku... gou. Not gonna call him a bitch during the first day of school.

"It took you 10 seconds to get to your seats. That's not going to fly in my class," he pulls a tracksuit from his sleeping bag as he pulls it off you get a good look at his hero costume. Ugh, where have you seen him before?

"Everyone grab one of these, change into them and meet me at gym beta for today's training."

"What about orientation?" Uraraka asks.

"At this school I am allowed to teach whatever way I think will best help turn you kids into pro-hero's and orientation won't help do that. Anyone else want to question my methods?"


"Now get going."

You get up and grab one of the gym uniforms. You follow the other kids. You end up walking beside Iida, so he talks to you.

"How did you know the rescue points were part of the exam?"

"I didn't."

"You attacked a 0 point robot, just to save someone regardless of the exam thereby wasting the last 5 minuets of the exam?"

You want to say something like, 'People who just run away from someone in need of help aren't hero's', but you have to be perfect.

Deep breath before you talk, "I want to be the kind of hero that saves everyone they can, so why not start now."

Reborn as an Anime ProtagonistWhere stories live. Discover now