Hosu (1)

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Hosu is the name of the city Iida is interning in.

You get to the main level in your hero costume to see about 10 people running around looking frantic.

There are 10 people who live within the agency and 13 others that have their own apartments nearby.

What is going on?

"You," MIrko says while looking at you, "Intern!"



"You're coming with me to the city over. A large group of villains attacked and they need help getting civilians out of there. You up to it kid?"

You don't even have to think before you respond, "I'll help in any way that I can!"

"Go over there with me while the others get their costumes on."

You nod and follow her out.

It's pretty easy to keep up with her after doing it for 3 days and you get to Hosu pretty quick.

On the way Iida texted you saying he was going to go looking for Stain, so you have to keep track of that now too.

Approaching the edge of the city you saw huge plumes of smoke rising up from several different parts of the city. You are following Mirko to the closest one.

You see the villain on top of a small pile of rubble with orange smoke to the left.

It's like the nomu you fought at USJ only it is smaller in size, but the exposed brain is the same.

"Get the people in the fire."

... There are screams coming from the orange smoke.

You run into it.

Heat roasts the only exposed part of your costume; your fingers.

You run towards the screams, "Where are you?!"

"Help!" someone screams from above.

"Hang on!"

You find the stair and clamber up them.

Another scream.

You run closer.

The door is closed.

You touch the knob and it scorched your fingers.

You barley manage to keep from letting go and you shove the door open.

3 people; a small family.

A young kid on the floor with a bleeding head near a caved in roof.

It's an apartment building.


Another scream from above.

You grab the kid and kick the window that has a lock at the bottom of it. The glass breaks and you look out.


There are metal balconies along the whole building that lead down.

You hand the kid to his, presumably, father, and bark out orders, "Get out this way! Once I get everyone else out I'll take you guys to safety."

"You have to get him to a hospital!" the father screams.

"I'm not leaving everyone else to die now get out of here."

You kick the glass at the bottom of the window out and motion for them to leave.

The women grabs the man and starts climbing out, "Listen to him."

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