Internships and Iida

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Iida is going to do something stupid. He's interning with a hero agency in the city where the Hero Killer is. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that he plans on finding him.

Today is the last day before internships and you are going to talk to him after school.

Instead of trying to talk him out of it you are going to back him up.

1) He's going to go after him with or without your help.

2) He probably won't even find him.

3) If he does, he'll most certainly die unless he has someone there to back him up.

4) Mirko's agency isn't that far away. All you would have to do is pretend to be sick and ditch for a while if he does find him.

5) You can't let the villain keep hurting people the way he has been.

6) You did a lot of research and you think you can talk the hero killer into giving up.

Less than a minute till the bell rings and you can go confront Iida.

Everyone starts packing up and you walk over to Iida's desk, "If you wouldn't mind could you come with me after the bell? I need to talk to you about something in private."

"What about?" you hear the suspicion in his voice.

"I know what you have planned, but if you talk with me I won't tell anyone."

The bell rings.


You walk away and he follows you.

You take him behind the school.

You make sure no one is there before you start talking, "I know you plan on fighting the Hero Killer."

"... You can't talk me out of this."

"I'm not trying. I just want to back you up so he doesn't kill you."

"Why do you want to help me?"

"You're my friend."

"...What's the plan?"

"When you think you've found him you text me. Once I'm there I'll provide a surprise attack if it looks like you're about to die, but I want you to promise never to do something like this again."

"I promise."

You hug him, "If you want to talk about this instead or just as well of what you're doing, I'll be here."




You have your hero costume in a suitcase as you ride in a train to Mirko's agency.

Iida is still planing on attacking the man that forced his brother to stop being a hero. You can really blame him for that, if someone did that to your mom you'd be out for blood too.

Todoroki decided to intern in the same city as him with Endeavor. You only found that out this morning. He said he wanted to train with Endeavor because he can make him stronger. He frased it as if Endeavor was simply a tool. You then gave him a hug and said that you were happy that Endeavor has no power over his decisions anymore.

The train stops, but it's not your stop.

People flow out and others take their place.

You snag a seat as this all happens, then a women with her kid come on and you give up your seat for them.

"Thank you very much," the mother says.

"No problem," you say.

"Are you the guy that was on TV for yelling at Endeavor?"

You look down at the kid.

He looks to be about 8 or so.

You smile at him, "That's me."

The mom looks surprised.

"Why don't you like him?"

"He was mean to a friend of mine."


"His name is Todoroki."

"Didn't he freeze half the stadium?"

You nod, "He only did it because Endeavor was really mean to him right before."

The train stops again, this time it's your turn to get off.

"Bye," you say as you get flushed out of the train with a bunch of other people.

You get out of the train station and start walking to the agency.

That kid was pretty cute.

You get to the agency.

It's relatively small as far as hero agencies go. The main reason for that is Mirko will only hire people she personally interviews, so they're aren't a lot of people for the space to acomidate.

You walk into the room.

It is relatively empty with only 4 people on the first level of the building.

"You're the new intern right?" one of the asks. She has a colorful skin tight costume.

"That's me."

The girl walks over and extends her hand, "I'm Gray."

Gray; one of Mirko's side kicks. Her quirk let's her turn color into energy. It's a little confusing, but she can basically turn things to white, gray or black and then depending on what color it used to be she can use different abilities.

You shake her hand, "My hero name is Zero."

"Go get your costume on so we can catch up to Mirko."


"Changing rooms are over there," she points to a room and you walk over there, "You've got 5 minutes or I'm leaving without you."

You close the door behind you and start changing into your costume.

This is all going very fast. You're going right to a hero patrol, which is cool, but nothing like what you had expected to happen once you got here.

You pull on your costume along with your head piece and grapling hooks.

You walk back out to find Gray standing there looking annoyed.

She sees you and starts walking to the exit.

"Keep up with me cause I ain't slowing down."

She keeps walking so you jog after her.

She gets onto a motorcycle and starts riding away.

Most hero's have at least one support item to get them from place to place, but you weren't expecting a full on motorcycle.

You lift up your right hand and shoot your grapling hook so it attaches to the side of a building.

It's easier than at USJ, the support course most have added some sort of support to lessen the strain it puts on your body.

The grapling hook falls because it couldn't get a grip. That's probably for the better, it would have left collateral damage.

You shoot it again but at a tree on the side of the road with time.

You swing through the air.

You release your right hand as your left hook flies into another tree. Trees are perfect for this. The hooks wrap around them and leave minimal damage.

It takes a few minutes to catch up to Gray, but almost the second you do she stops.

You keep your grappling hook in place, but have the string shorten so you go flying towards the tree it is attached to. You let the grapling hook go at the last second and roll across the ground.

"Not bad," Gray says as you stand up.

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