Finals (2)

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It is now time for you and Bakugou to fight Almight.

He has not talked to you yet and you don't plan on talking to him.

Both of you walk into the foe city in silence.

Each of you has a pair of handcuffs to use to capture him.

The city is split in 2 by a main road.

The set up would be perfect for ranged attacks from the windows of the buildings, but that's not the plan.

You run over to a building and start putting string around to discombobulate the hero and give you a better chance of capturing him.

"Stay out of the way and let me handle this," Bakugou says.

You stop the glare you are about to send his way and instead continue with what you are doing, "Sure." Got to make him feel like he's in control, so you can truly be in control of him.

All those years of studying his behavior in order to make him like you is finally paying off.

You hear Almight before you see him.

The sound of air rushing towards you.

You abandon your trap and hide around the corner of a building. Got to wait for the perfect opportunity.


Bakugou is attacking Almight first.


Almight sends Bakugou flying with a single punch.



Bakugou sets off one of his gauntlets; to early for that. Alimght will dodge and get to him making him lose for sure. Bakugou really is stupid.


Almight runs at Bakugou.


He defends.

"Where is Midoriya?"

Not good. He knows you are more of a threat than the person you are paired up with.

"That Deku doesn't matter," he attacks again, "I am the person you have to worry about because I am going to beat you without anyone's help!"

He breaks out of Almights grasp and goes back to attacking.

... He hates you, because you wanted to help him?

A scene replays in your head from when you were kids.

Bakugou fell off a log into a pond and you offered your hand to help him up, but he slapped it away and started running from you.

He was scared.

He was scared that he needed help.

He was scared that he wasn't the strongest.

That fear festered until he did all of this.

You turn and look at him as he keeps fighting Almight.

The Bakugou you know is replaced by the child you met all those years ago. A scared little kid lashing out at a world he doesn't understand.

Maybe... You can forgive him.

Almight can't see it, but his eyes scream how hurt he is.

Almight has been his hero all his life and he just chose the guy he hates more than anything over him.

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