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With the last of the tears being wiped away, so is the door mat people called Deku.

You walk to the door and start walking down the stair out of the building.

Once you get home you'll start working out.

You'll go to the library tomorrow after school and get more martial arts books and learn how to take people with quirks like All Might down. Using their strength against them or something like that.

People with quirks that can kill you with one shot!

You'll learn it all before the entrance exam and get a better score then Baku-Bitch.

He'll pay for everything he has done!

You'll prove to the world that quirkless people can be hero's. If not for yourself then all the other quirkless people that have gone through the same things as you.

You walk into the apartment building you live in and walk towards your own one.

You hesitate before opening the door.

Mom will worry if you just suddenly change your behavior.

You'll just act like you always do.

Happy and innocent.

All these years and she still thinks you're friends with Bakugou.

You pretend everything is fine, so she doesn't worry. That's what you've always done, and what you will probably always do.

You plaster a fake smile on your face before opening the door.

"Where have you been?" She sounds worried.

"Sorry Mom. I heard that Almight was around and tried to find him."

"Next time text me first!"

"Of course."

You close the door behind you after walking inside.




As usual, you've been avoiding Bakugou.

You have a new training plan now.

Ever morning you wake up at 5 AM and work out until school, take a quick shower and run there.

You have started sprinting to and from school, but it doesn't compare to how fast other heros travel.

You plan on requesting a support item for that once you're at UA.

You have completely redesigned the costume you planned on asking for.

You ditched the hood and style.

The covering of the mouth is still there, but it covers the whole face now. It functionality as a gas mask and a communicator. You asked that it look friendly to civillains, but you didn't give any specific instructions about that.

It's still green and black, but now green is a complementary color now. Or at least it should be if it is made the way you asked in your registration for UA.

You'll be the first quirkless person to be a hero, but also the first quirkless person to even be admitted to UA. They only got rid of that rule 2 years ago. Lucky you. It would really suck if it was 2 years after you started high school somewhere else.

Anyway, there's supposed to be armer over the whole thing with a variety of different support items.

An mixture of a measuring tape and a grappling hook will be attached to either arm so you can attach it to a building and do a swing over, retract it and do it with the other side. That should solve the slow problem that comes with being quirkless. The armer is to contrast your weak quirkless body. And if that doesn't work you asked to have a little 1st Aid kit to and lots of pockets for all the other support items you will need on the hero course to keep up with everyone else.

Strength is the main thing you need to work on.

You have done cross country since elementary, so that's covered for the entrance exam.

You filled out an application to bring a weapon with you, cause you're quirkless.

You weren't really sure.

You have no idea what the test will entail.

The most multiuser weapon you could think of were throwing knives and some rope considering what the test will probably be. UA is know for it's super powered workers, they make the support items and build the foe city's that originally made UA the destination school it is. Plus the sheer number of applicants has lead you to believe that whatever it is it will not involve directly fighting the staff and, hopefully, the other students.

If it is the other students you plan on using the rope and running around them until they're tied up.

You've been practicing ever since Almight.

The last bell rings.

It's fine, today was nothing important.

This is your best class to so who cares. It's a different one than last time. He got fired once they found a replacement. The new guys fresh out of college, but he's not bad persay.

Finals are coming up. You plan on using them as a test run for the written part of the UA exam. You aren't really worried about that though. You have good notes to study.

You collect your stuff and start walking out the room.

"Midoriya," the teacher says as you walk past, "I hear you applied to UA. Good job!"

He's nice.

"Thanks Sensei."

"My sister's quirkless too. It's nice to think that quirkless kids think they can be hero's in this day and age."

Think? Not think. They just can be. Having a quirk doesn't matter.

"Thanks again Sensei," you dodge outside the classroom so the conversation won't continue.

You walk home.





That's all you hear before an explosion throws you forward to the ground. You had been getting to start running back home like you do every day.

You look up to see Ka-Bakugou.

"What?" You don't have time for this. You have to go home and start working out so you can get into UA.

"I heard you applied to UA despite the fact that could never get in and shouldn't even be trying."

'You can't be a hero without a quirk.'

Before you know it you're on your feet. You are still shorted than him, like you've always been, but who cares.

You stare him down, "I don't give a crap what you think. I'm going to UA and there's nothing you can do about it."

He grabs the color of your shirt and puts his other hand in front of your face with sparks already tinging your skin.

"Any last words?"

No way your letting him do this.

"Yeah, suck my dick."

You kick him in the shin to start. Next you sucker punch him.

He lets go and grabs his stomach.

"See ya later Baku-Bitch," you turn your back on him and start walking away.

He tackles you, "DIIIEEEE!!!"

You elbow him in the stomach. It doesn't do much.

He puts his hand over your face, before you can do anything the explosion blows up your face.

That hurt more than usual.

"Still think you can be a hero now..." he stops and just stares at what he's done.

Reborn as an Anime ProtagonistWhere stories live. Discover now