In His Perfect Image

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"Sosha? Sosha!" The female put the phone hastily to her dark grey face, her pointed tail swishing violently with anxiety.
"Oh, hi Ash dear, is everything ok?" The shorter females voice was choppy through the phone.
"I just heard about the plans, are you sure your ok with this?" Ash tapped her foot on the ground nervously, standing up and accidentally hitting her horns on the ceiling, hissing in annoyance.
"Gilberts orders, off course im ok with it!" Multiple engines revving, guns loading and people shouting nearly took over the albinos voice.
"But- your human! What if you have to face your brother on this mission!?" The taller female tried to calm herself down as she knew her loved one was in danger.
"... We don't talk about my brother." She hissed quietly into the microphones as Ash whined.
"Sosha are you sure your ok with this? Your a deputy! Your only just below Gilbert! You have a strong say in this!" Ash pinched the bridge of her nose as she raised her voice.
"Ash, I love you, but I must do this. I know this isn't the most ethical thing to do, but I hope one day you'll understand why it has to be done" before the taller female could respond, the phone went silent, and the call ended.

Multiple curses under her breath spiralled her into a fit or anxiety and panic, and she knew she had to distract herself. Going into the highly secured base, she decided to visit an old friend.

"Hi Ralph" she walked up to the male with a smile as he turned around in surprise, soon calming down. The room was spacious and big, its walls reinforced with grey armor, the floors being cold light grey tiles, with cool lighting up above, almost sickeningly bright. Ash couldn't understand how people could stand being in such a dull and bright workspace, as for most of her life, her environment was pretty dark.
"Hi Ash... Are you ok?" The half robot furrowed his eyebrows slightly as the demon sighed.
"Been better, just worried for Sosha" Ash admitted. Ralph chuckled. Ash liked Ralph. Though is somewhat emotionless persona could be worryingly boring, it wasn't his fault, and his actual personality was very bubbly, loud and upbeat.
"She'll be fine, she's been on missions like this multiple times" The big reassured the female as she whined in response.

Look at the liquid in front of her, she couldn't help but gag, walking up to the table the male stood in front of for most of the day. "What's it's like?" Ash mumbled as Ralph looked at her confused.
"I mean- what's it like being human, but doing all this.. stuff to humans?" She evaluated. Ralph paused for a moment, being silent as he carefully dropped the instruments he was using.

"I'm not human anymore" he gravely whispered. his hands ran along his skin, cold too the touch, with bloody metal engraved in it.
"Do you wish you were?" Ash looked at him with sympathy. She was part human, though not forcefully. Her creators made her half human as she was designed to blend in with the living world, one were humans were abundant.
"Gilbert made me in his own image, the rightful image, and now I'm perfect. As long as I am at use to the army now, I do not care what I was before." As Ralph answered, he eyed the security camera in the far end of the spacious room, pointing right at him.

"I don't expect you to understand Ash, you weren't raised here like I was. Gilbert saved me, and for that I listen to his every word. Before I was starving and on the brink of death, now I am... living." Ralph seemed to understand something in his last words.
"But I am.. hurting" he whispered. Ash put a hand on his shoulder. He started to cry.
"I'm only living in this.. dead carcass.. No no I'm not supposed to be like this- I'm not supposed to feel this- what's happening- I-" Ralph shakily grabbed a needle from the table he was working on, and stabbed it into his cold, dry skin. In an instant, he's stopped crying, and his face went back to its content self.

"Ash, please report to the leaders office this instant" An announcement rung over the entire base as Ralph looked at the taller female, almost trying to silently tell her something. His face was unmoved and back to its blank state, thought the female could sense a message he was shouting.

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