A/N ) Maladaptive Daydreaming

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(Mental health post)

Hi guys, i know this isn't the normal chapter I'd usually post, and this is in no sort of way my ver iPod saying im discontinuing this story, but i thought I'd want to talk about something else for a moment.

Obviously, you don't have to read this, and im not writing this because of anything, i just thought i should share a few things with you guys.

(This is all in my own words and based off of my own experiences)
(EVERYONE experiences this differently, so if you don't think you fit into the desc im giving but something similar too it, i urge you to do your own research)

Maladaptive Daydreaming is a form of addictive, maladaptive (harmful coping strategy e.g: Alcohol) stress reliever to escape the real world. It consists of consecutive daydreams, usually uncontrollable, addictive to the user. The daydreams mostly consists of the main protagonist being themselves, and being surrounded in a world of fictional characters, weather they have made them up or not. Maladaptive Daydreaming can be harmful to the user as it replaces real world experiences with fantasies in the mind, making the person spend less and less time facing the real world, talking to friends, and genuinely focusing on anything. To some, forcing themselves to not daydream can effect their mental mood drastically, making them angry, sad, tired ect ect. There is a spectrum, and it usually consists of how uncontrollable the daydreams are. Some people experience them none stop, losing track of time, zoning out in class ect, whilst others can control when they daydream, though still doing it just as often. Maladaptive Daydreaming users usually tend to trigger their daydreaming when moving with music, weather its walking around the streets, in their home, jumping on a trampoline ect, though some don't need to move at all.

This is something i have, and its the main reasons i take so long to publish chapters. For me, my characters in my daydreams (many which are in this story) feel like real people, and so whenever I stop daydreaming, it's like they move away, far far away from me, almost like their dead, until I daydream again.

Their moods reflect my moods and their actions towards me effect me greatly, despite being able to control what they do.

From what I've seen, Maladaptive Daydreaming is only now being studied and researched by phycologists and people alike, and i never see much representation of it in any sort of media.

If you think you have this, or know someone who does, please, please research it. Thats all i wanted to say in this quick note, love u all <3

Words: 448

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