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Casper pried open their tired eyes to the sound of birds chirping, seeing the occasional blue, yellow or red bird fly past the giant arched window right next to their bed. they stretched their back until they were satisfied, feeling relief as they snuggled up to the blanket that hugged them throughout the night, adorned with random patches of patterns scattered throughout it, as well as thin cloths chucked over the top of it.

Unlike the main room, the roof felt quite empty, only having three hanging lanterns with intricate patterns made by glueing on different stained glass fragments. One similar lamp sat stationed on the bedside table beside him, having a few books stacked next to it, all being quite old with leather covers, ripped, burned and stained paper, with smeared ink on the inside. Most of them were in different languages Casper couldn't even recognise, so they were more drawn to the ones with illustrations. A cabinet matching the bedside table was put beside it, being torn and old, looking like it had been used for many years.

They sit up, feeling refreshed as they dangle their feet off the mattress, hitting the hand-knitted rug that had similar patterns to the bed, though being more consistent with colours. Casper sits and waits for a minute, focusing all their senses on the sounds around them. It was a habit they started doing since the child can remember, always making sure to not walk into the middle of an argument from their parents as they usually got stuck in between them. After hearing the white noise from the tv, something sizzling in a pan, a few footsteps and the occasional yawn, Casper remembered they were more than a lifetime away from their family, and stopped listening.

Standing up, they stretched once more, groaning a tiny bit as they arched their back and straightened their arms in the air, a few audible satisfying cracks coming from them. Casper twists the doorknob, the hand crafted wooden door creaking as they step out from the cosy, small bedroom, and into the very short hallway, immediately stepping into the main room.

The brunette soon saw Sparks back turned to them, seeing him sifting a pan over a stovetop. They saw the brown haired male prick up his ears, turning his head slightly, his glowing eyes meeting with Caspers. "Good morning sleepyhead" He smiles, setting the pan aside. The smell of gooey eggs and crispy bacon soon filling the brunettes' nostrils.

"Morning" Casper quietly mumbles, not used to the morning friendliness from the elf.
"Im making some eggs and bacon toast if you want any" Spark offers as he turns his body towards Casper, getting out some plates from a drawer in front of him.
"Are you sure? I'm happy to skip breakfast if you want, I don't want to waste any of your food" the teenager worries, fidgeting with their nails anxiously.
"Oh nonsense! You wouldn't be wasting it, foods meant to be eaten. I can make you something else if you want" The elf replies, getting out two plates as he obviously wasn't going to let Casper starve under his care.
The brunette soon forfeited, accepting the offer and soon drooling over the smell of the eggs. There was no doubt Spark knew how to cook. They were handed a plate with two eggs and strips of bacon, piled onto two pieces of toast, with a knife with a rustic wooden handle, and a fork with floral flowers engraved into its handle.

As the two boys sat down on the lounge, Casper was only just able to read the subtitles on what the tv was saying, displaying a show similar to those 'house flippers' that were occasionally on. Almost devouring their breakfast the brunette sat up straight when they finished their meal, standing up to go wash their plate before it was grabbed out of their hands. "I'll wash them, you go sit back down" The elf stacked the two plates on top of each other as he walked away.
"But i want to help, i don't want to be sitting here wasting your space" Casper whined, Spark furrowing his eyebrows as the teenager followed him.
"You're not wasting my space, why do you think that?" The elf said with a concerned tone as he placed one of the plates in a sink located on the kitchen island, scrubbing the other one with dish soap. Casper stayed quite, not knowing how to respond.
"Um.. Please can I help you wash the dishes?" The brunette changed the topic, making Spark sighs as he agreed stubbornly.
"You have to be the only person I've met that willingly wants to do the dishes" the brown haired male says with a slight chuckle, making Casper smile, soon finishing their plate in a matter of seconds.

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