Pest Control

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1: "You have to let me try!"

2: "it's no use! Your scaring the child half the death anyways!"

1: "But if I show them who I actually a-"

2: "their a child, weather you look like a human in the light or not, they'll be petrified of you."

2: "I- I can't even beleive I'm arguing with you right now- What you have already done is worth the death penalty. It only takes my word and your gone."

1: "you wouldn't do that."

2: "..No. I wouldn't. But under the name of our leader won't you please restrain what your doing? Our presence alone is enough to send multiple people into a coma."

2: "Even if it doesn't, the others are going to see, every human has eyes that project onto each of our screens, one of the others are bound to see us"

1: "..."

1: "I have another idea.."

2: ".. Your not seriously thinking of-"

1: "it's the only way. They have to live brother."

2: "oh for fuck sake... Fine."

2: "But im doing it."


"I'm sure she'll come back eventually.. You know Cassy, always running away. She always comes back" Alice patted Ron's back sympathetically. He grumbled lowly in response.
"When she gets back, I'll make sure she fucking knows never to run away again." Ron growled. Alice didn't respond.
"I hate that girl. I wish you never convinced me to let you have her." He added.
"I know, she can be a handful." Alice responded.
"Maybe we should just let her run away, see how good she has it here. If she doesn't come back then she's doing us a fucking favour"


"Sir, you wanted to see me?" The white haired girl arrived at her leaders office expectantly.

The half goat man looked at her with his four eyes, all strikingly gold with sideway lines for pupils, the rest of the eye dark grey. He had black dread locks and dark skin, a stubble going on with his chin and two long, sharp horns, his ears resembling a goats also, it's lobes stretched down with heavy hallow earring plugs. He had a massive, cliché villain scar going diagonal across his face, another slash opposing it, making a sort of  'X' shape.

He wore a uniform similar to the women's, a grey buttoned up shirt tucked in with formal grey pants and pointy black boots, though he also wore a darker cardigan with a curved collar, having multiple badges on it.

The women facing him only wore the shirt, pants and shoes, though had an additional cap to go with it all. She too had multiple badges, but none as big and feared as the man in front of her did.

"The human population is rising, and it is becoming a threat too The Centre." His voice was low and gravely as he spoke.
"Their leeching more and more onto our technology. They are nothing but uneveolved, idiotic creatures that don't know how to defend themselves in the slightest, and their taking up space." He continued, his voice getting harsher as he went along.

"Sosha. I want you to command a company to go off on some... pest patrol." Sosha nodded. Though she was human herself, she knew what had to be done, otherwise, her fate would be brutal.

"Off course, Gilbert. Is their any specifications?" She asked in her monotone voice. 
"Kill off 300, try to not draw any unwanted attention and take into hostage any young one's you see, they'll be good use for our new weapons." Gilbert ordered as Sosha nodded.
"Yes Sir." She walked out of the office.

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