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Casper ran through the snow, away from the shattered glass as they gripped onto their book, ink and pen for dear life. The tears falling off them seem to freeze on their face as they went east from Sparks cabin. The wind howled, its cries sorrowful, only fuelling the gut feeling telling Casper to go back, though they didn't listen to it.

The only thing stopping me from not doing this sooner was my emotions. There's nothing out here that can hurt me, and if Spark can, he won't be able to find me.

The wind only got stronger as the trees got less dense, but Casper pushed through it, soon making it to another side of the forest. Running through it, they slowly saw the trees become oak, and the temperature becoming warmer.


"Spark, calm down, we'll find him" Clyde's voice was reassuring, but basically bounced off of Sparks anxious shield.
"Im- Im not- No, their- Fuck we need to find them" Sparks voice was wavering and his breath was hasty as they trudged through the snow, picking up glass shards fallen onto the ground as they found a broken panel in the guest bedrooms window.
The elf rubbed away his tears as they began their search, two men with two separate facial expressions, but equal anxiety.

——————— (mentions of throwing up!! Skip to next page breaker if you want to skip it)

Casper slowed down to a stroll as their legs became weak, their stomach gurgling. Acid went up to their chest, though being forced back down, the brunette's anxiety rising. they began to second guess the very impulsive action they took, looking back at the way they came. they had made up their mind though, and they couldn't change it now, Spark would be furious with them if he found them their legs soon cascaded on him, struggling to sit up as their breath was fast and heavy, soon throwing up. Some of it got on their pants, making Casper curse under their breath as they were Sparks, before passing out, their head hitting the ground.


"Casper! Kid where are you?" Sparks' voice was dry from shouting so much, Clyde staying silent as the elf picked at his nails, blood being drawn from some.
"You're bleeding, you should stop picking your nails" Clyde instructed. All Spark did was wince before a music tone could be heard from Clydes pocket. He pried out a phone from it, and discovered it was a call, hitting answer.

"Hey Clyde, Um, So me and Serge just found a kid near the back of our house and he's passed out, what do you want us to do?" An American accent was heard over the phone, stressed and confused, but also curious. Sparks' eyes lit up at the mention of a kid, quickly asking questions.
"Is their hair brown? Are they wearing a sweater? How tall are they? Is there any scratches on them?" He ranted before Clyde cut him off with a stare.
"Alex just stay put, don't touch them. I'm bringing Spark with me to check, we think we know who it is" The taller male calmly replied, getting an understanding hum from the caller before hanging up.

After what felt like an hour of walking, though only being ten minutes, Spark and Clyde arrive at the destination Alex had given them via location on his phone. Spark was always confused and didn't understand the pleasure of having a phone, but was grateful for them at this moment. Two boys were seen near a limp, petite body on the ground. A blonde boy, with a mullet, though severely overgrown, was crouched next to the unconscious Casper, a one with short, straight black hair leaning on a tree near him, scrolling on his phone with a blank expression.

Hastily Spark ran up to the body, putting two fingers on their neck, sighing in relief as he felt a pulse. "It's ok, they just passed out" The Irishman said, eyeing the child with stress.
"Serge, how long have they been here for?" Clyde asked as he eyed the dark haired male, taller than Alex and spark but shorter than him.
"About five minutes, we've been checking their pulse and it hasn't seemed to slow down so they should be waking up soon" Serge has a russian accent, being quite harsh but also high in pitch. Though his relaxed manner, his body language was very stiff from anxiety.

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